What did he know about those two other than the fact that they were siblings?

"Jacob..." his eyes were closed when he recalled and when he opened them back, Sunwoo was anticipating. "He rarely comes."

Sunwoo's face fell, and his heart skipped one beat. Fury slowly but surely developed from deep inside his gut and was ready to be shot out. He managed to control his anger, he truly did. His breathing was helpful too.

But, when he saw the innocent expression on Haechan's face, all the calmness disappeared and was replaced with violence.

"You, come here." He beckoned Haechan with constant moves of his hand. "You better come here before I get there to you."

Haechan knew it was a sign for him to disobey. His life was more precious than obeying. So, he took a step back instead.

"Think about it Sunwoo. How can I know?" Haechan started the negotiation. "He's working for a big company. How come I would see him here? He did come once in a while, not every time."

That's right.

Sunwoo breathed out. "Soobin's ideal type is Jacob. What does that mean? How am I supposed to be Jacob?"

"Why do you want to be Jacob? Just be yourself! I'm sure Soobin likes someone natural, not made-up." Haechan retaliated. "Especially if she knows that you do DJing."

"Oh, no. Never." Sunwoo raised both hands in the air. "Soobin cannot find out."


"She comes from a decent family, bro. Of course, she is involved only in formal events with elegant dress. Not a loud type of party. Wait!" A realization then struck into his head. "What if, that's the reason why she broke up with Juyeon? Because they were opposite? Ah, I'm doomed!"

Seeing Sunwoo had a mental breakdown somehow was unfazed. Haechan low-key thought that his friend was overreacting. But, here, he couldn't retaliate because they seemed to have a possibility.

It was then, the door of the room was opened, revealing a mad penguin glaring at them. Chanhee crossed his arms as he announced, "Assembly. You guys better come before I'm finished counting."

The countdown started from 1, triggering Sunwoo and Haechan to be running on their feet. When Chanhee had counted to 5, he was already halfway from the assembly point and that was when the two sprinted and went past him.

On time. That was good. But, why Jacob Bae was standing in front of all the staff?

"What's going on?" Haechan nudged the other staff just to receive a shrug.

"Okay, listen." Chanhee clapped his hands to gain attention. "Well, seeing Jacob here, I'm sure you know that we have a very important task."

Murmurs were then echoed, too audible to be ignored. And Chanhee was quite furious that his employees didn't get the hint.


Even Jacob was seen flinching, his eyes widened. Slowly, he snaked his hand on Chanhee's back, rubbing circles.

The older beckoned him to calm down and take a seat, he would be taking the spotlight. Maybe that would be the best. For the sake of everyone and also his heart. Chanhee's voice was so loud that he felt his heart beat irregularly. That wasn't healthy.

"Alright," Jacob bit his lip, clasping his hands in the process. "It will be my sister's birthday in one week."

The announcement made Sunwoo gasp, struggling to contain his smile. He had hit a jackpot. This information was precious.

"I'm planning to celebrate her birthday and I'll be sourcing everything from you guys and I hope you guys can make it happen." His smile somehow was hopeful, and it had melted everyone's heart. "It may be hard because Soobin doesn't know but she's a regular here. So..."

"Frankly speaking," Chanhee intercepted and pointed right at Sunwoo's face. "You! Never tell her. If this surprise event fails, you will take the blame!"

Sunwoo felt himself flaring but he couldn't show the hatred on his face. He might lose his job. So he forced a smile while saluting his boss.

However, before Soobin got her surprise, Jacob had received one for himself.

"Why do you expect your staff to spill the secret?" He asked the grumpy boss, face full of confusion.

Chanhee pondered, "Soobin never tell? Sunwoo and her are now close to each other."

"Huh?" Slowly Jacob searched for Sunwoo's face.

He remembered the boy - the one who was accompanying his sister that night at the park. He knew Sunwoo was Chanhee's employee, so he simply thought that maybe the two just casually interacted.

But, he never expected that both of them were more than that.

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