Yandere!Satan x oc x Yandere! Belphegor [2/9]

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It had been a few weeks since Rini had found out about the fact that Belphegor and Satan had been protecting her behind the scenes. It made her trust the two males a lot more than she had once done so before. It also made her spend a lot more time with the two of them as well, knowing that they cared that much for her. Solomon and the others had realized the instant change in how she acted, and it was solomon who had chosen to figure out just what was going on. 

During lunch one day Solomon talked to Rini alone just to see just what was going on with her. Solomon knew that he had a limited time being around the young brunette female so when he sat down across from her he knew his time started before Satan and Belphegor would take over the time that was left of their lunch period.

"Rini, can we talk for a moment. I'm rather concerned about something." Solomon stated concerned

She raised one of her eyebrows at the white haired male. "Yes? What's up?"

"You seem to have been spending an awful amount of time with Satan and Belphegor the last few weeks, is there any reason as to why?"

"Not really, they are just really close friends to me that actually wish to have my attention and want to be around me. I'm around them because they want to be around me. It's not my fault that you and the others don't wanna be around me. Don't question me about my motives if you can't even get the nerve to ask to have a bit of my time yourself." She said unamused

He opened his mouth to speak before he averted his eyes, he knew she was right. He had been so busy trying to figure out why demons were dropping like flies that he hadn't had time to spend time with her over the last month and half. He didn't speak a word to her and instead chose to eat with Luke and Simeon. When he did Satan and Belphegor sat on either side of her. 

"What did Solomon want?" Satan asked curiously

"He was questioning me on why I was around you two a lot more than him and the others and I was blunt about telling him that you two have wanted to be around me unlike the others. So of course I'd be around you two. It's not my fault that he and the others don't ask to be around me." She said with a shrug

Belphegor shook his head. "He'll get over himself."

"By the way Rini, you're going to need to stay near Belphegor this afternoon after school. I heard two males talk during study hall that they were going to try to get you alone and 'get you back' for the demons disappearing. I'm going to be taking care of them." Satan said seriously

"Okay, do be careful." Rini said as she looked at him with a concerned expression on her face.

Satan gave her a small smile "Don't worry about me Rini, this isn't the first time I've killed to protect you." He said happily "I'll be just fine. They are just low life demons."

"Alright...if you say so."

After lunch they had different classes, when Rini went to her class she was stopped by two demons who gave her innocent smiles.

"Hey Rini, mind chilling with us this afternoon?" One of them asked

"We're going to be playing a game and we'd like it if you'd join us."

Rini looked at them with an unamused look upon her face. "No thank you, I'd rather not die because of ignorant low life demons thinking that I'm stupid. You two aren't the only ones who think that they could 'be-friend' me and get away with killing me. I live with seven overly protective demons that will do anything to make damn sure that I am safe and alive. You even think about doing anything malice towards me and you are digging your own grave." She said stoic like before she pushed past them and went to her seat

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