Neito Monoma

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Yuki didn't like that on her birthday that she had been blind folded and placed in a place where she couldn't move much, all she knew was that it felt cramped. It wasn't until she felt someone being pushed into her that she spoke. "w-who's there?"

"Did they seriously blind fold you Yuki?" An annoyed male voice said with a scoff

She stiffened up as she heard the male voice. "M-Monoma?"

"Yeah, from what I was told while I was being dragged in here that we're not leaving this place until something happens between us. What? I don't know."

"I...I was told that I wasn't allowed to take the blind fold off of me, I don't know why. I'm afraid of not being able to see."

"Do you at least know who put you in here Yuki?"

"Ashido and Kirishima."

The male scoffed and rolled his eyes before he went closer to her, he lifted her chin with his thumb and pointer finger before he hummed out. "They're stupid to have left you in here with me on your birthday. Don't they know what'll happen to you?"

"They don't know about that."

Monoma captured her lips in his as he pushed his body up against hers, he slipped his hands to the back of her legs and picked her up pushing himself against her more. "You're all mine Yuki." He whispered against her lips

Yuki couldn't say anything due to his lips being against hers once more. He slipped his hands under her skirt to take her panties off. His fingers then slipped into her body making her whimpered into the kiss as he curved his fingers within her body. She could only hold onto him as his fingers went into places that he knew she was weak at. As he got her to orgasm for the first time, he pulled his fingers out of her before he undid her shirt and bra.

Monoma took one of her breasts in his mouth as he undid his belt and his pants. He then took his member out of his underwear enough to slip inside of her. Yuki could only hold onto him tighter as she whimpered out. "N-Neito...D-Don't...N-Not like this..."

"If you can't take off that blind fold then I'm not going to get you into trouble. You're going to have to get used to just feeling the pleasure that I give you. It's not like any of this is any different from what we've done before." He spoke softly into her ear with each thrust he made inside of her

With each thrust he was a bit harsher and went deeper inside of her, Yuki couldn't keep herself down as she felt him get to places that she knew he knew were sensitive. Yuki's body wrapped around his pushing him even deeper into her making him groan out at the feeling of her pushing him deeper inside of her. 

Monoma grabbed her arms from around him and he pinned her to the wall as he got her to orgasm once more and he followed soon afterwards. The two of them then fell to the ground as he stayed inside of her as they panted. "Y'know...this is one fucked up way to celebrate your birthday."

"You're tellin' me. Can I please see you I don't care about what those idiots said."

He chuckled a bit. "Of course."

He took the blind fold off of her and he kissed her on the lips. "Happy birthday Yuki, I love you."

"Thank you Neito, I love you too." She said with a smile

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now