Aoi Satsuki

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A/n: I'm going to be doing something for myself for my birthday, since I've been rather depressed that my family cares more about my youngest sisters graduation than my birthday...or me in general. I'll be doing one one-shot a day. So please enjoy the one-shots ^^

Aoi had no idea when Ayano's birthday was, so when he was told by Liya-her younger adoptive sister that her birthday was the first of may. He was excited to be able to do whatever he could to celebrate her birthday with her. He would always spend the day with her-so he acted as 'natural' as he could around her taking her to places that they would normally go together. 

If there was something that caught Ayano's eyes he would make sure to get it for her without her knowing and wouldn't let her know what he got. When it got to be mid evening Aoi took her back to the dorms for Procella and Six gravity. He covered her eyes and when he uncovered her eyes, her golden eyes were stunned to see just why Aoi was acting off for. She covered her mouth as she was stunned to see that Procella and Six Gravity had worked together to surprise her for her birthday with the help of Liya and Mika. 

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Ayano!" They said happily

She hugged her band mates before she thanked all of the guys for the big surprise. She then hugged and gave Aoi a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for this Aoi, you didn't have to keep this a secret."

"Sure I did-after what Liya and Mika had told us. It was about time you had something done for your birthday."

Aoi hugged her tightly and smiled at her. "I'll do anything to make sure that you have a bright smiling face today."

She looked at him flustered. "U-Um...T-Thank you Aoi. Truly."

The lot of them hung out for the day and played a few games with Ayano before they handed out their gifts to her. While she was busy opening the ones from the others-Aoi went to get the ones that he had gotten for her. When it was his turn he gave her the bags that he wouldn't let her look into.

Her eyes widen in shock. "Aoi...are you telling me that you were a sneaky S.o.b while we were out today?"

"Yeah kinda, I didn't know what to get you. So I took you out to see what you'd touch and look at before I bought it for you. I wanted you to be happy. T-that's all." He said sheepishly

She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Aoi."

She opened the bags and sure as hell all of the things she really wanted but didn't need were in the bags she opened. Knowing that Aoi was considerate enough to do what he had made her realize that the mentality that she had growing up was still strong inside of her. After opening all of her gifts Ayano was sang happy birthday by all of the males. When she had to blow out the candles she had one wish in mind 'I wish for Aoi's life to be full of success and happiness'

When she blew out the candles she smiled and held onto Aoi's hand tightly as she leaned against him as Haru cut the cake. After having cake Ayano felt really tired from so much excitement in one day. So the trio of girls stayed the night at the dorms, Aoi had Ayano sleep beside him so she didn't have an anxiety attack in her sleep.

As the two of them lied on his bed, she cuddled closely to him and had one of her legs over his. He smiled happily knowing that she was contently close to him. "I love you Ayano-you know that right?"

"Mhm, I know. I love you too. Thank you for today...honestly the mentality I grew up with has made me feel like I don't deserve nice things. I'm glad that I have someone like you who tries to get me out of that way of thinking."

"I noticed the confliction going through your head through your eyes. Just what's going on with you aya?" He asked concerned as he looked down at her

She sighed out as she shut her eyes. "From the time I was a mere child till now-I've always been told that I either don't deserve it because of what is wrong with me or that I'm too old for things and that I need to 'grow up' because who'd care for a childish baby?" She said sadly before she opened her eyes looking up at him. "Those who adopted me never thought that I deserved anything."

Aoi looked at her sadly. "I really don't like that Liya's parents were so mean to you, you never asked to be born the way you are."

"Yeah I know.."

"But I love you no matter what, you're you aya. And I love you for that."

She teared up looking up at him. "A-Aoi..."

He moved himself so he was towered over her as he had his hands on either side of her head. "I don't care about all of the flaws you have, its what makes you who you are. I don't care that you're mind some times becomes scattered. I'll always be around you to help you through all of that. What I do care about is whether or not you take your medication, whether or not you love me and whether or not your able to do certain things or not."

She softly wrapped her arms around his neck and she smiled at him. "You always remind me to take my medication, so that'll never be a problem. I don't think I'll ever find anyone as sincere and gentleman like as you are-so you're never going to have to worry about me leaving you. I will always love just you Aoi. And what 'certain things' are you talking about Aoi?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"I don't want to rush you to do anything or not but..being around you. Having you so close to me, affects me. A lot." He said averting his eyes from her flustered

Ayano knew what he meant and she made him look at her before she kissed him on the lips. "It's okay, if that's what you wish. Then I'll go with it, just know that I'll become clingy towards you afterwards. I don't want to lose you Aoi. You realize that don't you?"

"Y-Yeah...I-I do...S-So Y-You're okay with it?"

She nodded her head. "I am."

He happily kissed her on the lips as he moved himself closer to her body only for her to whimper out feeling him brush up against her so quickly. He felt a bit flustered hearing the sound that came out of Ayano, but it didn't stop him. He had already gotten the consent from her, so he wasn't going to waste it. He unzipped her dress from the back before he slipped it off of her body. His blue eyes widen when he saw that she didn't wear a bra under her dress.

Ayano didn't like that he was stalling so she turned them around taking her dress off the rest of the way before she began to undress him of his pants and his underwear. Her hands then went to his shaft making him whimper out at first before he moaned out as she took him in her mouth. Aoi didn't like that she had turned them around so he pulled her legs closer to him and stripped her of her panties before he gave her the same treatment with her womanhood, making both of them moan at the pleasure that they both felt. 

As they both got to their first orgasm, Aoi couldn't take the fact that Ayano had gone as far as she had. He placed her back under him as he quickly got a condom, quickly placing it on before he looked at her as he was at her entrance. "Last chance before I do this. Are you sure you want this to happen?"

She nodded her head. "Yes, I'm very sure Aoi. I want you to be my one and only."

He kissed her on the lips as he slipped himself fully inside of her. He didn't stay still for long, his thrusts were slow and passionate as he kept one hand on her hip and the other on the bed frame of his bed. He didn't once part his lips from hers, he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing with his girlfriend. He didn't want her moans to give them away, so he had to make sure that they were going to be kept hidden from other people. 

As they got to their orgasms he pulled away from her lips and he pressed his forehead against hers. "I love you, thank you for doing this with me."

"thank you for loving me so much Aoi. I love you too."

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now