Kanato Sakamaki

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Rose wanted to do something sweet for her beloved boyfriend Kanato, she knew he didn't celebrate Christmas, but she was so used to it that she out of instinct had secretly bought him something. When the day came around a week after she bought it, she saw Yui give him something only for him to throw it to the ground and yell at her. Seeing it made Rose frown.

She turned herself around on her heel before she walked back to her room with the gift in hand. She got partly there when she was stopped by a strong hand. She looked behind her to see that it was Kanato. "Why did you turn around when you saw me?"

"I..I forgot something." She lied

He furrowed his eyebrows as he held her wrist tighter. "DON'T LIE TO ME! WHY DID YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME?!" He yelled before he frowned and teared up. "D-Do you hate me...i-is that it?"

She sighed as she looked down at the box in her hand. She turned herself to look at him and she shook her head. "I could never hate you Kanato...but I didn't want you to hate me." She said sadly

"Why would I do that?"

She showed him the present she had wrapped for him. "I...I got you a gift." She said nervously

He looked at it curiously before he let go of her wrist and he took the box from her. He opened it and he saw that it was a box that had candy in it. He looked up to say something to her only to not see her there. He knew where to look though. He took the candy with him as he went to her room where he saw her face first on her bed.

He placed his teddy on the nightstand with the candy before he hovered over her small body and kissed her neck softly. "Let me see your face Rose."

She whined and shook her head. She held on to her pillow tightly, she didn't want him to yell at her or worse..Laugh at her because of what she got him. Kanato frowned and he forced her to let go of her pillow before turning her around so he could see her brown eyes. He then kissed her as he hand his hands tightly on her shoulders to keep her from moving. He then kissed down to her neck as he slipped one of his hands up her leg to the edge of her panties before he pulled them off of her.

He instantly then took his pants and boxers off before he moved into her, he wasn't going to go easy on her due to her not listening to him. He bit and drank from her as he held on to her as he moved in and out of her roughly making sure to always go inside of her harder each time he went inside of her. Rose wasn't expecting him to be so rough with her or to do such a thing to her. But he was and he wouldn't let her be without moaning his name loudly, she did louder and louder as he held on to her.

Neither one of them lasted long after he found her weak spot, he thrusted himself as hard as he could into her until she came, which triggered his own. He pulled out of her as he slipped her dress off of her. He then took one of her breasts in his mouth as he fingered her with two of his fingers making her pant as he heard her be breathless. He pushed his fingers harder into her getting her to hold on to his arms as he moved them faster.

He then parted from her breast as he kissed her on the lips. "Don't you dare ever disobey me again, I'll let it go this time. But next time, I wont be so nice to you." He said before he bit between her breasts

Rose moaned a bit as she had on of her hands on his shoulder as the other was in his hair. He made sure to keep his fingers moving as he heard his name leave her lips. Once she released once more he parted from her body and he moved them so she was on top of him. Her face was bright red as he grinned at her. "Move Rose."

She blushed even more as she nodded her head using his shoulders to help her to so as he had one arm around her as the other was against her breast groping it and squeezing it to get her to be louder, he wanted her to be in bliss which afterwards; she did. They lied together on her bed as he kept his arms around her tightly.

"I love you Rose, I wouldn't yell at you for getting me anything. I am sorry for making you think that you shouldn't have given me your gift." Kanato said softly to her

"W-What did Yui get you anyways?"

"Some stupid little bear she thought could replace teddy."

Roses eyes widen. "W-what? No wonder you were so mad, nothing can replace teddy." She said in utter shock

Kanato moved her closer to him. "If I ever did lose teddy...I'd still have you. I wouldn't want to lose both of you. You're both so precious to me."

Rose teared up before she hugged him tightly and smiled. "I'm thankful you think of me that way Kanato. I love you."

"I love you too. Now sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."

"Okay Kanato." She said before she gave him a small peck on the lips and fell asleep with a small smile on her face

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now