Gakushu Asano

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As it snowed outside the young brunette female looked outside the window watching the small flakes of snow falling down one after the others as some stuck to the window. With her breath she fogged up the window to use her finger to connect the snowflakes that had accumulated onto the window. The young female was waiting for her husband to get home. She was bored of waiting for him-it had been hours since he was supposed to be home.

Of course she wouldn't sleep without knowing that her beloved was home safely. It was getting too bad for her to walk out to find the strawberry blond male herself. She didn't want to seem needy of her beloved but at the same time-she missed him. She didn't think that she'd miss someone so much-but she did to him. "Gakushu...just where are you?"

Rina looked back down at her phone before she frowned. She had attempted to call him many times-he never answered. Five times she tried to message him-no response. It was getting close to midnight she knew that Christmas day was coming soon, so she chose to turn off the lamp near her and curl up on the couch instead. Even though she'd prefer to be on the bed in their shared room-she knew damn well that going into the bedroom would make her sob out like a little child, she didn't need that. She had enough problems trying not to fall asleep. Her brown eyes were glued to the ticking clock on the wall that had a small glare from the lit up tree near the corner of the room.

It wasn't too tall due to the fact that she had to be the one to decorate it. She was only a mere five foot four inches, which was really short compared to Gakushu's height of five foot eight inches. She hated how tall he was compared to her but it was something she had to deal with. As time went on she slowly fell asleep when the last time she saw the clocks ticking hands was when it was four am in the morning.

Happy holiday's shu...wherever you are you asshole...

When she woke up she saw that she wasn't on the couch anymore, she was in the bedroom tucked into the bed. She went to get up only to see that Gakushu was right beside her-holding her hip tightly, not wanting her to get up. She looked at the alarm clock beside her to see that it was eight am, she didn't know when he had gotten home but she was happy he did finally come home. She turned herself to face him, she smiled slightly before she snuggled against his chest happily. Knowing that her beloved was home, that he had finally made time for her it made her feel like he was finally placing her first instead of pushing her to the side. She then felt his grasp on her tighten slightly which she didn't mind.

"You need to stop sleeping on the couch, you'll catch a cold that way." He said softly to her as his eyes were slightly opened and looking down at her

She opened her eyes as she looked up at him. "If you didn't come home late I wouldn't have to." She countered.

He was going to open his mouth up to say something but he knew what she said was true...Instead he chose to kiss the top of her head softly. "I'm sorry, work got out of hand. We have until the day after new years together, I'd like for that time to mean something." He said softly to her

She rose an eyebrow at him. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

He moved himself on top of her and he kissed her on the lips. Her brown eyes lit up feeling the passion that was behind the not-so simple kiss. Her hands found their way to the side of his face and around his neck as he deepened the kiss with her as his hands found their way under her nightgown. He slipped it off of her body as he parted from her lips for only a moment before he kissed her once more.

Rina realized then that Gakushu only wore his boxers to bed-which meant that he had planned to have her that day, she didn't mind she had missed being able to sleep with the attractive strawberry blond male. She moved her hands down his chest before she removed his boxers off of him. Once she got them off of him her hands went to his length making him moan against her lips as the fingers he had inside of her went faster and harder just to punish her for touching him. She didn't care what he did to her body, it was worth it just to feel his skin against hers.

"D-Damn it Rina stop this before you end up so sore that you won't be able to move all day." Gakushu muttered against her lips

"Who said that I wanted to be able to do so? I got all I need in front of me." She said happily

"What about your younger sister?"

"Today is Karma's birthday no doubt he'll be having his way with her too. It's best to leave those two be." Rina said with a grin as she moved her hands faster against his shaft

His purple eyes shut as he felt her hands move faster, "S-Shit...R-Rina..."

"Say what you want Shu-I might be your wife but I don't know just what you want all the times." She teased

He slapped her hands away from his shaft before he slipped himself inside of her deeply making her moan out loudly. Gakushu smirked as he pulled out of her almost all the way before he began to thrust into her harder and deeper with each thrust he made inside of her body. Her brown eyes widen in utter shock as she felt the amount of pleasure that he was giving her. She couldn't keep her grasp on him as her hands fell to the bed side on either side of her as her body arched up into him.

He took that chance to kiss up her body from her torso before he took one of her breasts in his mouth and slipped his freehand up to her other one making her hold onto the bed tighter until she finally came against him, even then she wasn't given any type of break. He just turned her on her hands and knee's before going inside of her once more.

"Merry Christmas Rina, but this is what you get for touching me without my consent." He muttered against her ear.

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now