Neito Monoma

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Yuki was so sick of having to hide that she was with her boyfriend, they had been together for years. But he was too shy to say that they were together. Whenever they met up with Kendo, Sen, Ibara and Juzo he would always let go of her hand. He would never stay at her side and instantly go and talk with Sen and Juzo leaving her to be on her own. So she chose to do something about it. She had them go out for the night and she wore a nice black dress he had never seen her wear before. He was going to question her about it, but it he didn't know how to. When they got to the place where they met up with their usual group of six, she didn't stay by his side, she instantly went to Kendo and Ibara to talk to them about her plan. Since she had told the two girls to keep to themselves about what was going on between Neito and her.

Neito frowned as he realized just how she felt when he would leave her for their male friends. He shook off what he felt and tried to enjoy the night with his girlfriend, but whenever he would try to show affection towards her, he'd get cock blocked by her. It was like she didn't want him to show that he loved her. It wasn't until she went to use the bathroom alone that he soon after left to corner her.

He went to the bathroom that was in the back of the bar they went to, he knocked on the door only to hear his girlfriend say 'hold on'. When she unlocked the door he opened it quickly before he went into the bathroom and shut it after him. He then pushed her up against the door before he kissed her passionately on the lips. "What is it with you tonight? You've been acting off all night." He asked sadly

"Oh really now? What makes you think that I've been acting off?" Yuki asked

"Well how about the fact that you usually stay at my side when we come to this place but you didn't today. You chose to go to Kendo and Ibara. Then you wouldn't let me kiss you, hug you or even hold your hand. What has gotten into you?"

"Let me ask you this question in return, the last time we came to this place-what happened between us?"

He blinked his eyes a few times. "I...I don't get what you're getting at Yuki."

She scoffed and pushed him away from her. "You left me on my own for hours, you chose to drink shot after shot with the guys we became friends with. You let another woman flirt with you and almost kiss you, not to mention you dirty danced with that same damn woman instead of with me. If you aren't going to tell people that we're together then I'm not going to act like we're even a thing Monoma. You've done this to yourself." She said seriously

She then left and went back to her seat, when Neito got back to his seat a song that Yuki loved to dance to was playing. Sen asked her to dance with him, she said yes and danced with her friend as she could feel Neito's eyes burning into her back. The song that was playing was 'Montero (call me by your name)' by Lil Nas X

Part way through the song, Sen was pushed to the side as Yuki was pulled into someone. She realized then that Neito got really jealous and had pushed Sen out of the way just so he could dance with her. Yuki could tell by the look in Neito's blue eyes that he was very envious that she had danced with Sen instead of him. When the song ended he pulled her out of the bar and took her home.

He had it with her trying to make him jealous, he wasn't going to lie down and let her do something that wasn't like her. As he parked in front of their apartment he pulled her onto his lap and gave her a rather heated kiss on the lips. But she didn't kiss him back, he let out a low growl as he looked at her. "Kiss me Yuki."

"No, you aren't getting your way like this asshole, take me back right now." Yuki said with her arms crossed

"Why? So you can go and cheat on me?"

"Cheat on you? Boy if I wanted to do that shit I would have done it already with how you've been treating me! Tonight you now know how I felt whenever you force me to go to that place with you! The jealousy, the disappointment, the feeling of being neglected-yeah that's what I always feel around you! But do I force you to do shit you don't want to do?-Hell nah, cause I love you enough to know that if you truly loved me that you'd show affection to me in front of others. But as of late, you haven't. It's like you're ashamed of having me be your girlfriend even though we've been together for four almost five years Neito. Tell me honestly-What am I to you?"

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now