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Yuki loved Satan with all of her heart, but he was rather ignorant to the fact that she even slightly cared for him. It was rather obvious to his brothers and to the angels that Yuki was rather keen on Satan, finding everything that she possibly could about the male. It wasn't until Asmo had wanted to have a small party for Yuki's birthday that he had invited all of his brothers and those that he knew, knew about the crush that Yuki had on Satan.

The plan was to get Yuki and Satan together by the end of the night. Asmo tried everything in his power to make sure that Yuki ended up with Satan for every game they played. When they took a break when Yuki went to use the bathroom, Satan used that time to question his brothers.

"Mind telling me why you all are always pushing me to pair up with Yuki for? Especially you Mammon-I would have thought you of all people would want to have first pick at being around her." Satan asked curiously

"Not this time, I honestly think that you two would work better as a pair than her and I." Mammon said with a shrug

Satan looked skeptically at his elder brother before Lucifer spoke up. "Why are you questioning being around Yuki on her birthday? She's the one who we're doing this for, ever thought about that's what she wanted?"

Satan shook his head. "Nonsense, she wouldn't ever be interested in me. She certainly isn't my type."

"What's taking her so long? She's been gone for almost a half hour now." Leviathan whined out

At that time Asmo got a message from Yuki.

Yuki: I heard Satan...just cancel the rest of the night. I'm going to my room and not coming out. I don't feel like being around anyone right now.

Asmo frowned as he looked at his phone before he looked at the others. "She's not coming back." He said sadly before he glared at Satan. "Do you ever think before you speak or does stupid naturally come out of your mouth?"

Satan looked appalled by what his brother said to him. "Excuse me? what do you mean by that?!"

"Are you absolutely sure that she isn't at least a little bit interested in you?! Think really hard about the last few months, anything out of the ordinary comes to mind?" Asmo asked

Satan was in thought before he shrugged. "I have no clue what you mean."

He looked at his elder brother frustrated "You're really dense aren't you?! YUKI LOVES YOU! She's been trying for the last four months to get you to see that she loves you! But you've been so damn ignorant to it all that it just went over your head! You may not be into her but she's into you!" He said before he sighed out "The rest of the night is canceled, without our star guest for the night the night is ruined."

Everyone soon left the room leaving snarky remarks to Satan in the process, the only one who didn't was Lucifer who was waiting for everyone else to leave. Once it was just the two of them he had his arms crossed.

"Is this what you wanted? To break the heart of the human girl who transferred here?"Lucifer asked

"Like that should matter to you."

"It does matter, if she goes back home saying that she didn't like her time here. That could make things awful for the next human who comes here in later years." Lucifer said seriously "You need to set things straight before the night ends. And it isn't just a suggestion either."

Lucifer then left without another word, leaving Satan to sit where he was in thought. He tried to recall the last four months, he had noticed Yuki's interest in things he was interested in. He had began to spend a lot more time with Yuki, but she still didn't seem like a woman he'd want to be with. She was a human after all-humans were greedy, at least that's what he kept telling himself. He sighed out before he got up and went to Yuki's room only to hear her talking with one of his brothers.

Book two: Lemon and non-Lemon one-shots [Anime & Games]Where stories live. Discover now