Epilogue - A new side of the conversation

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I wait for his call. It's bound to happen, and if not, I know where things have turned. I have my suspicions already of his faltering self. How he has at least doubts of if he should be following my lead still. Love will do that to you. Distort your sight of what needs to be done before the rug is pulled out from under you and both have been taken from you. How it always just leads to heartbreak. It happened to me, to those around me, and it's bound to happen to him. But, he's never been one to so willingly listen before finding out for himself. The boy's stubborn, just like his father. A trait that can help, but too many times is more trouble than it's worth. If I simply gave in long ago, then maybe I wouldn't have the troubles I have today, but then I wouldn't have her either. She's at least worth all this mess, right?

'Maybe, but is it worth it if she never comes to your side?'

Do I even want her to?

"You miss her, so you can't quit now."

'It would be a waste of resources and time.'

It would be a waste of her, so I need to keep pushing forward.

No! She doesn't deserve this life. She deserves better, like her mother. (Size down)

But she'll be safe. I'll make sure of that.

'Yes, she'll be safe.'

"No one can protect her like you will."

Her mother was able to.

'And you see how well that did her. Unlike that, you'll do better.'

"Her mother thought you were the danger. If she knew the true dangers that are truly there, then she wouldn't have left you so easily. If she knew the sacrifices you made and are willing to, she wouldn't have thought of you as a monster."

Staring at my hands, I see the red that is forever stained there. No matter how many times I wash them, it will forever remain there.

"But I am a monster."

"No, you did what you had to. Why don't you take a rest for a while? You're spiraling again."

"No! Not when she needs me."

"Come on, I'll wake you when he calls."



'You can trust him.'

No, you can't!

"Come on, let me take over for a bit. It's nothing you've not allowed before. You can trust me."

No! Stop letting him in your head.

Every time he does, more life is wasted.

'No life was ever truly wasted, only taken away from the game board. It's all been for our gain. So, why are you so afraid now?'

"No! I can handle myself."

"Suite yourself then."

It's not much longer before my phone rings, and I pick it up eagerly. Even irritated that it took so long for me to hear from him.


"So, tell me, what led you to call, but ignore me early? Did you finally remember you're not on vacation?"

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