Chapter 61- A shift in routine

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Waking up, I know that I need to check my schedule before starting the day. It helps me to stay on track for the day and get the essentials done. Including the basics that some might take for granted for remembering so easily. For me, if it's not ingrained into my routine or written down on my schedule as I follow it, the guarantee of forgetting it is greater than not. And yes, that includes brushing my teeth or taking vitamins. It's easier to remember brushing my teeth at night when I'm headed to bed because that part is stained into my brain as what I need to do to settle down, but it's a lot harder to remember in the day when I'm in the mix of everything else. So, it's one of the basics that gets written down to help easier remember it.

Today is not too bad as far as tasks go. I try to be careful not to overload my Sundays as it is the first day back into my work week. Getting to make my schedule, I enjoy the ability to give myself grace on days I know I'll need it. The main thing that needs to get done is some editing and a few chores.

So, it's home today.

'You kind of already knew that.'

Yeah, but it's nice to remind myself of the little blessings.

That is everything, right? Am I missing anything?

No, okay.

'Wait, maybe there's something you're overlooking?'


No, the only thing is editing. Anything else can wait if need be.

Starting my day the way I usually do when it's a home day, I start coffee and head to the bathroom to grab my vitamins and medicine before I forget. Keeping both between my lips as I head back to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I grab down a second mug when hearing Bailey start to walk down the hall and pour her a cup as well.

She smiles my way before grabbing us each a muffin and heading to the couch. I follow her and we start our morning the same as usual.


Another day in the norm, it goes on as usual. Starting the morning chill, making sure I take my medicine as Bailey reminds me before putting some music on that helps me get into the mood to write. Sometimes if I don't start the right music at the right moment, my brain won't switch over to work mode so easily. It's something I need to make sure I push myself into, otherwise, what's the point of being your own boss if you can't pull off the boss part.

Sure, having the need to be in work at a certain time or you'll be fired is a good motivator, so that's how I more easily motivated myself to get ready for work in the past, but forming my own schedule kind of gives just enough flexibility to where my brain sometimes wants to easily slack. So, self-control is strongly needed.

Today ends up being a great day as most things get done that need to be. Tomorrow one that will more likely not run as smoothly, I wanted to make sure I did the important things prior to it. A little grace where it's expected to be needed. It's something the Lord taught me to help move forward. If you focus too hard on what you could have done, it makes it harder to take your next step. You need to give yourself the opportunity to accept what you did or will do. You can't change what's been done, so forgive and try better next time. If you know your weaknesses, you can better plan for tomorrow and make it a little easier.

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