Chapter 64- Breaking Through

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I'm in a familiar hallway that I can't place. Wandering around trying to find Peter, and taking in everything around me. There are pictures of people on the walls with only smiles upon their faces. Flowers in a vase, dying. Doors trail both sides of me up and down the hall. But it's the one at the end that seems to pull at me.

"Peter?! Where are you?"

We are playing hide and seek, but I don't remember the start of the game, or really anything before this hallway.

How long have we been playing for? And why do I keep feeling uneasy?

Trying to stay brave, I walk closer to the door at the end of the hall before feeling a yank on my shirt from behind. When I look back, I notice Iris with a scared look on her face. I'm towering over her as I am no longer the young kid I was a moment ago.

"You can't go in there. The monster lives there."

She pleads with me to not open the door, but when I turn back to it, my hand is already on the handle about to turn. I let go of it as I decide to heed her warning. That is at least until a familiar cry rings out on the other side.

"You promised you would never leave me!"

That's Peter's voice!

"Please don't. It's not him. The monster's trying to trick you."

My heart breaking with Iris's words, I still try to listen to her, but it's so hard with my mind battling itself.

'You can't trust her!'

I feel like I should though.

'And how do you know she's not the monster.'

It's just...

'You don't know her, but you know Peter. You know his voice, his words. How could you leave him crying like that?'

Peter's cries grow closer as he begins to pound on the door.

"PLEASE LET ME OUT! Please, it's dark in here."

Unable to hold back anymore, I open the door.

My eyes snap open. A dark feeling settling over me, I try to shake it off once realizing that everything's okay. That it was all a dream. A nightmare really. The twisted feeling it left behind is one usually only left when something is attacking me in my sleep.

Was that the case?


'Or you're just paranoid. Not everything is an attack.'

I'm not being paranoid. I know when a dream isn't normal.

'Are you sure?'

Yes! Just chill. Stop making me think I'm crazy.

You're not crazy.

Sipping on my coffee, it's a quiet morning so far. Thanksgiving is only a couple of mornings away, so today is the last day I'll be able to spend without stressing over getting everything prepared properly for the company coming.

Getting to spend it with Matt should be fun.

I'm thankful that most of the times spent with each other have been more chill lately. It's hard for me to be comfortable even hanging out with Bailey at times out of the house, but Matt has been okay with letting our time together many times just be things I normally would do like getting coffee, heading to the library, or walking around and enjoying the day. That's what we're supposed to do today. I'm even thinking about taking him to my favorite spot. I can't remember the last time I was there.

I can't remember how I first found it, but it's a place I like to go to when things are a bit hard and I want to find a balance again. It's a bridge not too far from home. I've walked to it on a few occasions, even when I was still living at Mom's. There's a spooky legend that goes along with it, but I think that gives the place character, and maybe what first drew me there. I was a horror nut growing up and loved urban legends. I still do, but don't believe them so easily as I once did.

My phone going off, I check it real quick and notice a message from my therapist.

💬 I know next week won't be good for you, so I would like you to schedule an appointment to see me the following if you're okay with that. I have openings on the 5th, 6th, 8th, and only the evening on the 9th. If you call, we can set something up.

Deciding to call her later to talk about it, I am glad she reminded me to set up an appointment. It's been over a month since my last, and even though things have been going better than before, I still want to check-in.

'Wait, what if she asks about your medicine?'

Crap! What if she does?

'Just lie.'

I don't want to do that. But what's the likelihood she'll ask?

'You never know.'

What should I do? Maybe not go? Or maybe I could just tell her?


'You'll be fine, just breathe.'

I'm not going to worry about it for now. One step at a time.

I focus on today and start getting ready to head out. It's a couple of hours early, but if getting ready early will help distract my mind and make sure I don't run late I'll take it.

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