Chapter 25- Not a Date

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(Matthias's POV)

The flowers and chocolate sit in my passenger seat taunting me.

'It was a bad idea to get them. You're going to look like an idiot!'

Am I? Friends can give friends gifts when they hang out. It's a sweet gesture. It will show I care.

"Does it, or will you look pushy and desperate?"

'She's going to laugh in your face!'

"That's not true."


"Let me show you what to do. You've never had friends before, and if you listen to me, I'll help you not look stupid."

No! I can't trust him. Ignore him.

Finally able to muster the courage to walk up to Madison's door, I wait for her response after knocking.

It's not long before she opens the door and a bewildered expression forms on her face when looking at what I'm holding.

'Idiot! You look like an idiot.'

Idiot! What was I thinking? How do I fix this?

"Quick, say this. 'I know, but I didn't want to show up with nothing. You still like flowers and chocolate right? Or is that a bit stereotypical of me to assume?' Finish it with a smile."

I repeat the words exactly as he says and then force the smile to cover my panic. She smiles back sweetly, and my nervous self settles. Her smile is radiant.

"Yes, and yes."

She grabs the gifts and takes them inside. I spot someone following her that I didn't notice before. Only seeing him from behind at first, tall with black hair a little longer than my own, I assume it's Kalston. Madison mentioned once over text that they were recent friends and neighbors.

He walks out of the kitchen towards me, and I step out of the way trying to be polite. He on the other hand rolls his eyes at me before passing and wastes no time getting into his place.

"Someone's clearly mad."

I wonder what from. Did they get in a fight, or is he having a bad day?

'Don't play stupid. You saw how he looked at you. Clearly, you're his problem.'

The dude doesn't even know who I am.

'Doesn't have to.'

Madison is at the door showing worry for him, and I try to see what the whole ordeal is about.

'Make sure to look concerned as you ask or she'll think you're a jerk.'

"Hey, is he okay?"

'She would rather be with him than you. Give her an out.'

I can't know that for sure, but maybe it would be best to reschedule.

"We can just do this another day if you want."

Please, Please say no!

"No, it's good. I'll check on him later."

Letting out a breath of relief when her back is turned, I'm thankful to be able to spend time with her. I don't want to be alone again.

"But, you are never alone with me around, Matthias."

I'd rather be alone then.

We head to my car, and I make sure to open the passenger door for her.

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