Chapter 11- Too Close for Comfort

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Madison's sitting in her usual spot, her usual routine, but instead of writing, she's reading. Not too much out of the ordinary as I have seen her read at the cafe a time or two before. The only thing that strikes me as odd is her mood. She seems off. Something about her demeanor isn't as cheery and bright as usual. Her light a little dimmer.

Tea sits in front of me growing a cold from how long I've been here. It's my second cup, so not all is lost. I keep finding my focus on her and hers keeps seeming to be drawn to a couple several feet away. At least they seem to be a couple, but I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to them before noticing hers on them. A short red-headed girl with curves and a gentleman seeming to be close to six foot with a deep tan complexion and dark brown, if not black, hair. He seems to be Indian, or at least partially.

Things between them seem to be growing heated. The little lady getting uncomfortable and him holding attitude.

"I was just trying to be nice. The least you could do is say thank you."

The little lady about to say something, Madison steps between them.

"Ha! So, because you think you're being charming, everyone else is supposed to be as well. Maybe if you're charm wasn't so creepy then you would have already received that thank you. Stop being such a creep and step off. It's clear she isn't into you."

Wait, so I guess they're not together.

The gentleman, or I guess not so gentleman, seems to be growing more irritable.

Should I step in?

"What? You think with your smart mouth you can come up and assume what's going on? You don't know anything, so how about You step off, and go back to minding your own business? Yeah?!"

Not liking how he's talking to her, it's taking everything in me not to intervene.

"You really don't get it do you? Creeps like you come and hit on women all the time, thinking you're the best thing come our way and that we should be grateful you even looked in our direction. Well, you're not, and we would rather you leave us alone with your narcissistic selves. If you can't be humble and considerate, then maybe you need to rethink your approach a bit."

Noticing someone walking towards them, a guy I've seen here often too, he's the owner's son and store manager, Nick. They don't seem to be aware of him coming their way.

The tall one steps towards her, looking her up and down before leaning down inches from her face.

"You know, girls like you really need to be taught when to shut your mouths."

He grabs her arm.


Ignoring the voice only I can hear, I shoot up before noticing the scene quickly shifting as Nick steps between them and speaks with a firm tone.

"I suggest you let go before things get worse."

The guy's jaw clenches for a second before he drops his hand and backs away.

Nick speaks again with his tone even more aggressive.

"Now, get out!"

I've not seen Him act this way. Like Maddison, he's very happy-go-lucky and always one to bring light to those in the dark.

Watching the dude leave, I do the same. Keeping my pace several steps behind his, and sure to keep track of where he heads.

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