Chapter 37- Words exchanged

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(Kalston's POV)

My head kills me when waking up. I can't even recall getting into bed last night. In fact, most of my night is a blur. The clearest thing in my memory is taking shots with Bailey. It's after ten or so shots when I opened up that things begin to fade out. Wondering if Bailey's morning is as bad as mine, I come up with a way to make it up to both of them.

Far from wanting to head out to get coffee and donuts, I order them instead. Taking the time to clean myself up while I wait. A thing I'm in desperate need of as I feel and look like a mess.

I can't go next door like this.

It's not long after fixing myself up that the order arrives and I take it next door. I make sure to grab the darkest pair of glasses I have to combat the bright morning. I took some pain meds that were next to my bed, something I'm thankful my drunken self had enough forethought about, but they haven't seem to have hit in yet.

Madison answers the door not long after I knock. She seems happy, but I can't tell if it's with me or if it's from her usual sweet nature.

Probably the latter.


I give her a smile to pair with my attempted apology.

"I come baring a peace offering and an apology for my behavior yesterday."

Her brows scrunched with her words,

"You don't remember me coming over, do you?"

I grow weary at what I can't recall.

No matter how hard I try, all that comes to mind are a couple of flashes of her face. One with her at the door and another of her in my place.

Oh no, please tell me I didn't do something stupid! Please tell me I didn't try anything.

"Did, did something happen?"

"Nothing bad. We apologized, talked some, and I put you to bed."

Relief comes over me, and now I have the suspension that there was no forethought given by my drunken self. No, it was Madison caring for me. Without the fear of myself crossing bounds, I can taunt her with a clear conscious. Something that in return grants me an eye roll before I come in.

When entering the living room, I see my fellow victim of last night's drinking.

"Dude, one of those better be mine. Oooo, are those donuts? Okay, by far you are one of my new best friends."

Grinning at Bailey, I hand her a coffee when sitting beside her. Making sure to leave enough room for Madison before handing her a coffee too.

"Well, thanks. I thought you'd need a pick-me-up."

Noticing Madison out of the corner of my eye choosing the chair instead of the space I left for her, I try not to take it hard. It's her demeanor shift that makes me wonder if there is more to last night than what she said.

"Hey, do you have plans today?"

Bailey's question directed toward me, I'm almost certain where it's leading

"No, I don't. Any reasons you're curious?"

I take note of her checking on Madison before telling me.

Okay, something has to be up.

"We're having a chill day if you want to join us. Ordering food, watching movies, and possible games later. It would be fun if you're up for it."

Sounding fun to spend the day with them both, I even more so want to use it as an opportunity to figure out what's bothering Madison.

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