Chapter 17- Crossed wires part 2

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The evening settling in, I put the kettle on before heading back to the couch in search of a good movie. With the house freshly cleaned, and the rain coming and going all day, I'm in the mood to let the rest of the evening be that of a relaxing one.

A knock on the door takes my attention off of my selection of a movie as I wonder who it is.

Bailey isn't due to stop back home for another couple of hours.

'Maybe trick-or-treaters?'

I turned the porch light off right?

Not normally getting them in this neighborhood, I'm praying that it isn't kids. Though my stance has already been stated on the Halloween matter, it doesn't make it any easier to disappoint kids who are only trying to have a bit of fun for the night. I mean, you try telling a little kid in a cute costume you don't have candy to give them.

Almost unwilling to get up, the knock comes again and Spirit begins to bark. I head to the door and open it to see Kalston on the other side.


I'm curious about what brings him by but wait first to see if he says so before I ask.

Giving me his usual charming grin, he answers. "Hey, gorgeous. I was wondering if you would like to be my company for the evening? You can protect me from all those masked monsters, and I'll be your eye candy for the evening. Unless you have other plans, that is."

He raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes at him.

"I don't mind company for the evening, but don't think it's because of your looks, mister not so humble."

Laughing, I move away to allow him in. The kettle whistles, and I venture back in the kitchen with Spirit following close at my legs as a way to show her still uncertainty of Kalston. Her not growling does show me that she at least isn't completely on guard with him, just a bit cautious. Kalston too follows me into the kitchen.

"I have enough for two, would you like a cup of tea?"

Curious about what we have, he asks. "Sure, but what flavors are there?"

Looking in the cabinet, I take say aloud what teas we have to select from.

"We have cinnamon, earl gray, and chia if you want caffeinated, and for the non-caffeinated, we have honey lavender, a calming cinnamon, holiday cranberry, and a bedtime camomile, but I assume you don't want a bedtime tea?"

Turning to face him, I wait for an answer. He smiles while leaning against the island.

"No, I don't plan to go to bedtime anytime soon. The caffeinated cinnamon would be nice, thanks."

Grabbing out two of the same, I make myself a cup of the cinnamon as well.

My stomach growling, I'm reminded of the fact that I haven't eaten anything since a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast.

"Hey, I'm going to order something, do you want anything?"

"Supper would be nice, yeah. If you have Cash app, I'll send you some money for both of us, or we can just use my card if you don't."

Appreciating his offer, I decided to decline it. I wouldn't have asked if I had an intention of making him pay.

"Nah, it's good. I got you."

"Are you sure? I would like to at least pay for my part."

Looking at me uncertainly, I can understand his regard for the matter. I too feel guilty at times for letting others pay my way. Bailey and family are the only ones I don't feel bad for allowing it.

The Past Awakened (Distorted reality book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें