Chapter 67- A Normal Teen

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*Thank you all for choosing to spend your time reading my works. I ask please like and subscribe if you want to show your love. You can find me on YouTube, Facebook, Patreon, and more. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and you can look forward to a new chapter every week as I am preloading them before I go on a long-needed break. God bless you, loves. <3(Matt's POV)

Standing off to the side, purposely trying to be overlooked, I'd rather see than be seen. Life goes smoother when you're watching from the outside than within the mess of everything. And in a time like now, it's the messiest. I'm only here because I'm supposed to be. Allison is here, so I must be too.

She's off in the other room talking to some guy of the jock sort with blond hair and already growing facial hair. I've seen him a couple of other times in school checking her out. He seems to like her, but I'm not so sure it's reciprocated. She's never made it her mission to talk to him but now doesn't seem to care. Then again, the couple of drinks she's had might be impairing her judgment at the moment.

I should make sure to keep watch. I can't let something bad happen to her.

"Or you could enjoy yourself. It is a party after all, and how often do you have the chance to act your age."

Or, I could not.

Watching Allison head back into the kitchen, I expect for another drink, I do the same. Mine being one of the none alcoholic choices. I want to fit in enough to seem like I belong, but not enough to dull my senses.

Laughing with a friend and grabbing a glass bottle from the fridge, her friend Cat gives me a quick look before whispering to Allison with a smile. She looks back at me as I act disinterested.

'Quick, don't be staring.'

I know. I don't want her thinking I'm stalking her.

"The guy who's had his eyes on her practically every time she's around. She's going to be suspicious."

What else am I supposed to do?

'Not be so obvious.'

I get that, this isn't my first time doing this. Just... stop, I know what I'm doing.

"Fine, do your own thing and get caught."

Grabbing some snacks off the counter, I sense her coming up beside me.


Allison's tone soft, I finally look back at her. Trying my best to keep the demeanor I've been sticking with around her.

"Uh, hey. What's up."

Apparently girls like the uncaring guy, so that's what I've been trying to be for the most part.

Her eyes get curious before snapping to hard. Her tone no longer the sweet it was a moment ago, and now sounds offended.

"How about you stop tailing me and then act as if you don't care. Geese dude, either you like someone or you don't, but don't act like a jerk when I finally come up to you to see what your deal is."

Dumbfounded, I realize that I haven't been as invisible as I expected. I'm used to being completely on the outside, so having to be this halfway has thrown me off, it seems.

"I... Ummm.... I'm sorry."

She rolls her eyes at me before starting to head off.

"Whatever, just stay away. If I catch you even looking my way, I'll bruise that pretty face of yours."

Still not sure how to process what happened, I'm stuck in the kitchen when she disappears.

What do I do now?

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