Chapter 51- Please, not again.

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(Kalston's POV)

Playing another round, I notice Madison falling behind. She's grown silent. Her attention elsewhere.

I check on her after no response comes to my previous words directed at her.

"Madison, hey? Are you okay?"

Touching her arm to better grab her attention, her focus is locked on the empty space in front of her.

Is she okay?

'Don't fool yourself. You've seen this before.'

Her gaze settles on me, but still, she doesn't speak. This makes me worry even more, but I try hard to cover it. Joking with her as I usually do.

"What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost. Is everything okay?"

Finally, she speaks, yet it doesn't do much to deter my concern.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I uh, spaced out."

I've noticed her seeming absence at times. She'll be physically here with me, but many times her mind won't be. I don't know if it's normal for her, I assume not, but I haven't known her long enough to say so.

Maybe I should talk to Bailey about it.

The last thing I want to do is keep brushing it off and let things end the same way they did before.

Madison smiles, but it's not as warm as it usually is. A mask we both seem to share.

"Now come on, I still have to beat your tail."

Though it's clear she's trying to distract me, I go along, hoping that maybe whatever was distracting her a moment ago can be forgotten. We begin to tease each once more.

"Oh really, I still have one trick up my sleeve."

"Big words coming from someone who's so far behind."

She tries to taunt me back, thinking I'm strictly talking about the game, but I'm not.

"Well then, let's see how you hold up if I..."

Grabbing her side and tickling, she jumps away from me trying to act unfazed. Pushing further, she finally breaks.

"Stop, stop, stop! No, that's not fair."

She still tries to continue with the race, but I couldn't care less about it now. Rathering my hands to be on her than the controller. I get her other side now as well.

"What is it Madison? I thought you were going to beat my tail."

Her smile wide now, she pleads further for me to quit.


Her words only fuel my taunting.

"Awe, but I'm having so much fun."

Madison now putting her hands on me to try and retaliate against my attack, I give her a cocky smirk.

"What is it, Love? You didn't think I'd be that easy? Unlike you, I'm not that ticklish."

"That's not fair."

"Nah, it's pretty fair."

Again she pleads me to stop, and again I tease her. Wanting to do something else, I try to keep myself from doing so.

'Why? Just try.'

NO! I already said I'm not pushing it.

"What's the magic word?" I ask with another smirk.

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