Chapter 2- Paranoia

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On the couch with Lilly cuddled up beside me, I stare at Matt's number on my phone. I've almost texted him a few times but backed out each time before sending any.

Oliver jumps into my lap and startles me.

"Hey, sir!"

Laughing it off, I pet his black and white fluffy fur before grabbing the remote to turn my focus on something other than Matt.

Flipping on Suloo, I choose a show I've been watching about someone that can walk in dead people's memories, and start sipping on the glass of Moscato I poured for myself a few moments ago. Though a little sweet for my taste, it's all we had left in the house. It's one of those wines, at least for me, that you have to get a glass or two in before you don't mind it much.

Getting cozy under the covers with both Lily and Oliver, it isn't long before Spirit jumps on the couch to join us all.

It's about an hour later before we all hear the door open. Spirit instantly runs to it while both the cats stretch as they get out from under the cover.

A voice shouting from the kitchen, "Hey, I brought Chinese!" it's my roommate, Bailey.

I get up to meet her in the kitchen and watch as she pulls different-sized containers out of brown paper bags. The smell makes my stomach rumble.

"Mmmm, What did you get?" I ask, certain by the aromas of what some of it is.

Turning her eyes to me as she goes to get herself a glass of wine, she tells me.

"Some of your favorites and mine. Crab Rangoon, chicken lo mein, fried rice, and a bunch of egg rolls. Plenty for now and tomorrow so this girl doesn't have to get groceries for a couple more days."

Laughing, she pulls out the half-full bottle of wine. "Or, maybe so. Did you open this?"

Giving her a half grin, "Yeah, I'll get some more tomorrow. Don't worry about groceries either, I'll pick them up along with the wine."

Shutting the fridge, "Okay, good. Because, I really wasn't feeling it this week." she brings the bottle into the living room while I make us some plates.


Sitting in the backyard, I pull the blanket around me. Though a chilly night, I came outside to clear my head. The stars above me twinkle bright as they remind me there is more out there than just me. More stories out there than just mine. Some might find that a little depressing, but me, I find it encouraging. When you aren't the main character then your wrong choices don't mean as much as you think they do. Unless you're trying to be the villain that is. But then again, if you're trying to be the villain of the story, your bad decisions aren't all that bad in your opinion, are they?

As the night grows late I begin to feel eyes on me.

'You're being watched!'

Looking around me to see if that is the case or if I'm being paranoid again, I notice a light on in the residence next to ours.

Someone must have moved in, but when?

Living in a duplex it would be hard not to notice someone moving in next door. Especially when you're as observant as I am. I don't say that I'm observant as something to make me look better, but because it's a trait I've developed from being so paranoid at times. My paranoia either being a symptom or a reason for my anxiety. I'm not entirely sure which causes which, just that I have them both.

Deciding to head inside, It's getting late anyway. I'm not wanting to feel as if I'm being watched anymore.

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