Chapter 20- Moving forward

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Things haven't been all that good lately. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my dad leaving, and though I've been trying hard to keep it all together, the closer it gets the heavier things feel.

You need to stay strong, for Mom.

Heading into school, I keep to myself as usual with music playing in my ears. I wouldn't say I'm a loner exactly, I have made a few friends since starting a new school this year, but I've also been sure to keep everyone at a distance. I'm tired of losing people, so best to not let them get close, to begin with than to allow that kind of hurt again.

I make my way to the gym. I got here early in the hopes that pushing myself will help distract my thoughts. It's been my main outlet lately. Something that in itself reminds me of Dad as he was the one to show me that doing so can help clear your mind. Something about it can many times help you balance your thoughts and emotions. I've not seen it do so for me lately, but I'm also not sure what else to do. So, I stick with it.

I start with weights and end with a three-mile run. I'm drenched when through and my muscles are sore, but that's more from pushing them again after yesterday's workout. It being more intense than today's. I know I'm supposed to rest some days, but it'll be fine.

'You'll be fine.'

After a quick shower, I'm on my way to class. Algebra with Mrs. Myers. She's a pretty good teacher, the best kind really. Easygoing and allows a lot to slide as long as you aren't running over her or other students.

Turning down the hallway with her class three doors down, I notice someone to my left a few feet ahead struggling with something in their locker. Though I try to mind my own business, my attention keeps being drawn to them. It's a girl, maybe a couple of years younger. She has straight blond hair, a green ribbon tied, holding some of it in the back. She's wearing a hoody and what I assume is a dress underneath with dark purple tights.

"Geese, stay in there."

She speaks to herself as she tries harder to keep a book from falling out of her locker. Her fingers try to push it fully onto the top shelf she can barely reach. I watch as she begins to climb into her locker now to better reach it. I've stopped walking at this point, my attention completely on her.

She jumps down with a proud smirk on her face.

"Good job, Olivia."

Turning around now, she catches sight of me and her smile is now tainted with embarrassment. A faint pink rises onto the bridge of her nose and tops of her cheeks. I catch sight of her dark green eyes before she turns back to her locker to grab her bag and heads on her way, making sure to not look back my way.

Also continuing on my way, I catch myself grinning.

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