Chapter 16- Crossed wires part 1

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Having a strange dream, I only have a faint recollection of what it was. Though at first, it was quite a peaceful dream with me walking barefoot on a beach as water lapped over my feet and the sun began to set. That much I do recall, beyond it, the only thing I remember is the peace leading into severe heartbreak. The kind so intense it feels as though something inside me was breaking. Like a piece of me was being torn away.

Tears dried down my face, I've only cried one other time in my sleep. I wipe my face clean before heading to the kitchen, and let the dream fade away from my mind. It wouldn't be the first time, and unlikely the last that I have a dream of such severity. In reality, something of that kind isn't even that bad in my book. Yes, the pain is lingering and I'm a bit curious as I'm not familiar with hurt of that severity, but the simple fact that it's heartbreak and not fear that is lingering makes it take a lower rank in my books.

Wandering to the kitchen and beginning the brew of some coffee, I'm reminded of the fondness I had when sharing some with Kalston yesterday. I've been getting more comfortable with him with every moment we share. It also puts me on guard about the matter of how my walls seem to be wobbly around him.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I shout out to Bailey to see if she wants one as well.

"Hey, love! Coffee's done, do you want a cup?"

Walking around the corner voicing her response, "Yeah, is my mug clean?" she's wearing pastel-based purple, orange, and green eyes shadows, gold and green contacts, one of my flower crowns, and elf ears all along with her usual work attire.

Confused at her choice to wear the git up to work, it's not that I'm against costumes and dressing up, I too enjoy dressing up randomly, it's simply unlike her to do so for work.

"What's with that?" I ask motioning my hand up and down at her face to point more specifically out of what I'm referring to.

Looking at me befuddled, she laughs before responding.

"It's Halloween, dork."

Realizing that I haven't been keeping track very well of the date, it doesn't surprise me that Halloween snuck up on me as it did. With me not celebrating it anymore, I had even less concern to try and keep up with it.

"Oh, that makes sense now."

With Bailey still one to celebrate most things that I don't, I wonder if she has plans for the evening.

"So, does that mean you'll be out this evening?"

Handing Bailey her mug, she takes it before responding.

"Yeah, I'll be taking the twins out while Mom stays home with Hope. I figured I'd give her a break for the evening. I offered to take Hope too, but with her still being a baby, mom wanted to stay in and get some one-on-one time with her instead."

Realizing that tonight will be another one left alone, I take a breath to calm my already becoming bothered nerves. Bailey takes note of my behavior and tries to calm my anxiety.

"I'll be home tonight though. So, don't worry."

Trying to reassure her, I don't want to hinder her plans or put any added pressure on her. She does a lot already for her mom by trying to help take care of her siblings when her dad is deployed, I don't want Bailey to have me always on her mind as well.

"Don't worry about it girly. I'll be good. I don't want you to come home that late, especially on a night with so much activity." I refer to both that of the physical and spiritual activities taking place tonight.

Unable to get past the darker side of the holiday, it's why I no longer celebrate it anymore. I hold no judgment to those who do celebrate it, whether Christians or not, I understand everyone doesn't see it the same way. I'm not going to question someone's salvation just because they celebrate things I choose not, but I also can't have a settled conscience over things I feel a need to stay away from.

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