Chapter 59- Maze

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(Kalston's POV)

"Peter, Peter, Peter!"

Iris runs out to me as soon as I enter her house. Her mommy smiles wide at the glee that's come over her daughter.

"You know, she really missed you. She always does." Mrs. Haminson tells me.

Iris runs up and hugs me tightly. Her hair tickles my nose as I return her hug.

"I missed you too, I."

She releases me and gives me her usual puppy eyes.

"Then why did you not come see me?"

I've told her before the reason, but she still asks every time I come over after being gone for so long. Though we live pretty close, my daddy has had me caught up with some new training recently. Every year he gives me something new to learn on top of school work, and this year it's learning some self-defense moves. He said it's good to learn in case I ever need to protect myself or Iris. Though I sometimes hate how sometimes my body is tired and sore, Daddy says it won't be so hard once it gets used to it. I also want to keep Iris safe, so I'm okay with it if even sometimes I don't get to see her at times and I don't want to do it. Daddy says that it's good to push yourself when your mind tells you it doesn't want to do something that's good for you. It teaches you discipline and perseverance.

"Daddy was teaching me something new. I came today though, and Daddy said that I can stay over if it's okay."

Mrs. Haminson smiles again. It's one that is very similar to Iris's.

"You know you're always welcome to stay here baby boy. I'm going to go ahead and let Lucas know you're here. Make sure you guys stick together outside, and don't go out of eyesight. Lunch will be done in a couple of hours."

Iris's mommy walks away, and it's not even a moment later that Iris is pulling me away.

"Come on!"

"I, chill, I'm coming."

Her pace slows but she still is clearly impatient about something.

"What? What is it?"

She turns to me, leaning in close, and whispers to me.

"I found a fairy."

Confused, it's not a surprise she would be looking for fairies again, but that she's found one. She's a big believer of just about everything, it's what gets her into trouble many times, but I'm not so easily convinced of things even though I try to help her prove the existence of them.

"What do you mean?"

A grin comes over her face and she's back to pulling me along.

"Come on, I'll show you."

We're outside in no time, and to no surprise, she's taking me somewhere off-limits. Iris has a bad habit of not listening. She tries her hardest when it comes to most things but with limits on exploring, not so much.

Iris is a few feet away from me now heading straight for the woods we have been told multiple times to stay clear of.

"Wait, are we going into the woods?"

I stop as anger begins to seep its way into me.

"Iris! You went in by yourself? Are you serious?! You know how dangerous that is."

She looks down, no longer showing the excitement from a second ago. I hate stealing her joy away, but when it comes to her putting herself in danger, it's worth it to make her listen.

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