Chapter 74- Overprotective

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On the search for fairies, Madison is observing a ladybug to see if it looks off. Mommy said that fairies sometimes disguise themselves as bugs. Watching it carefully, she doesn't notice the little boy wandering the halls until he is right beside her. His words make her jump as he leans over her shoulder to see what she's up to.

"What are you doing?"

She turns her attention to the boy who can only be a year older than her, if that. He has blue eyes, but not like Peter's. This boy's eyes are darker than his. Almost like the blue in the sky as the sun is setting. They even have specks of gold in them like the shifting sky has at times. The boy also has blonde hair similar to hers. She can't tell if it's curlier than hers as it seems to be held back by gel or some other hair product attempting to tame it. He stands about her height at first but must be at least an inch or so taller once standing fully upright.

Madison grins at him once getting her bearings.

"I'm searching for fairies. Who are you?"

"I'm Lucas. You know fairies aren't real right?"

He looks over her with nit eyebrows as he tries to asses if she's truly looking for creatures he has no interest in or if she's simply playing a game. Madison on the other hand pays his disbalief no mind.

"Mommy says they're real. She says they disguise themselves. It's the legs that give them away."

She goes back to observing the ladybug. Attempting to see if it looks different than others, or if she's just never looked at one closely to notice the odd way it moves at times.

Lucas laughs. Madison's attention now back to him, she tries to figure out what's so funny. Maybe he's laughing at her the way Peter does at times. He always says he can't help but laugh from how silly and creative her mind is. How he loves her curiosity and belief even if he doesn't always see things the same.

"What is it?"

Lucas stops laughing and looks at her seriously.

"You're weird."

His words make Madison smile. Everyone tells her that she's weird. How it makes her different, and that's a good thing. Daddy says the best kind of people are weird, and Peter always tells her that it's what makes her so fun.

"Thank you."

Lucas grows confused. He wasn't trying to compliment her. It's not like he wanted to hurt her feelings, he wasn't, but Madison taking his comment as a compliment also wasn't what he was going for.

"Thank you? Being weird isn't a good thing."

Now Madison's the one confused.

"Yes, it is. Being weird makes things fun and different. Some of the best people are weird."

Hardening his gaze on her, Lucas doesn't know where she got such absurd notions. Who would have filled this girl's head with such absurd things? He's kind of feeling bad for her now.

"No, they aren't. Different isn't good or something to aspire to be. Different gets you bullied and just causes trouble. Yeah, everyone should be themselves, but believing in something like fairies or other made-up things isn't a good thing. It's childish and quite concerning. Are you really that naive to still think fairytales exist? How old even are you?"

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