Chapter 7- Hangover

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Waking up, the word 'Remember' is the only thing left lingering from my dream. Everything else about it is gone.

What am I supposed to remember?

About to get out of bed, I notice a note next to a glass of water and bottle of painkillers on my nightstand. Sipping the water, I wait on the pills.

Let's try natural remedies first.

The note is written on a yellow sticky note, and the handwriting is one I'm unfamiliar with.

Who wrote this?

You'll be needing these, love. Don't fret when you come into the living room and see someone on the couch. It's me.


Kalston? What happened last night?!

'Ooooh, someone got too drunk last night.'

Only recalling bits and pieces from the night before, it sort of blacks out after Kalston sat next to me.

'He's handsome, but maybe he did something.'

He didn't do anything, geese I just drank too much.

My thoughts being rowdy this morning, I've gotten used to knowing which ones are purposed and which are just intrusive. Many times it's like people, or sometimes one person, having a conversation in the background whether I'm paying attention to them or not. I've even caught on mid-conversation and got baffled at the randomness of the topic, but a lot of times it's not so comical. I've had some really scary or gross thoughts at times. I have to remind myself that the very fact that I don't want them shows that I'm not the bad person they make me feel at times.

Getting out of bed, my head splits instantly.

Gosh, darn it!

I give it a moment before continuing my way to the kitchen.

I need some coffee and hemp oil, now.

Used to migraines coming many times on their own, I've come to know what to do.

Walking down the hall, I spot someone out of the corner of my eye standing in the doorway of Bailey's room. But, when I look, they're gone.

You're tired and seeing things again.

'Or maybe not. What if someone's in the house?'

Stop it!

No one's here besides me and Kalston. He's on the couch, and I'm right here. So, it was only my eyes playing tricks again.

Continuing, I hear someone in the kitchen.

Is he up already?

Realizing that I might have slept all day, it makes sense that that would be the case. Walking in there, it's a familiar stature, just not Kalston's.

"Hey, Bailey."

Speaking to her, she turns to me and smiles.

"Hey, sleepy head. I'm surprised you're talking to me so soon after waking up. I bet you feel like crap."

Referring to my usual state of silence in the morning, I only forced words so earlier for her to know I'm here instead of being startled when turning and seeing me unexpectedly. It usually takes me a moment to adjust in the mornings, especially when waking and feeling like crap.

I smile and shake my head, keeping silent for the time being while she talks.

"So, what happened to you last night? There was a handsome stranger on the couch this morning. I almost beat him up when first noticing, but he survived. He explained some of what happened before heading over to his place. I'm hoping to hear the rest from you after you get some coffee in. Speaking of which, it's over there on the counter with a fritter and donut, both for you."

It's a tradition we've been doing since living together. When one of us sleeps over somewhere or leaves early for an appointment, we bring back coffee and breakfast. Usually baked goods.

Signing her 'Thank you', I grab the hemp oil from the cabinet next to the fridge and take some. It takes me a moment to register that she said Kalston left, and I feel kind of disappointed.

That sucks, but probably for the best. I made a fool of myself enough last night.

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