Plan of Action

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Bryan's POV

Once Bryan and Inpu had seen Aalto, they were very angry to say the least.

It took both Crystal and Artemis to keep them from killing him so they could explain what had happened.

Inpu wasn't happy about it, but understood why he was willing to switch sides once he found out what had happened.

Bryan, on the other hand, wasn't that happy with the fact Aalto had even interacted with his kids.

He ended up just standing next to Crystal the entire time since he knew she was willing to kill Aalto if he tried anything.

"Ok, I'm going to start by saying that we need to take care of Damian once and for all, he is becoming to dangerous" [Aalto]

"As much as I don't want to agree with a word that comes out of his mouth, but Aalto is right, Damian is becoming more of a threat, and if he was that close to completing a ritual that could have given him power, I fear what would happen the next time" [Bryan]

"Most I can think of doing is having Artemis and I do the ritual with our own lovers because then it can't be done again, and since you did it with dad the day you got married, since the triplets were made with your soul crystal, they aren't able to do it unless they want to do it for fun, but they need to have strong feeling with the person they complete it with" [Crystal]

"Wouldn't that kill Shino and Skyler? they are both human, wouldn't their bodies be too frail?" [Artemis]

"The ritual was made by Anubis so one of his other kids could marry a human and have them live as long as the child" [Inpu]

"I thought you and Magnus were his only children?" [Crystal]

"Yeah, we're both still confused by that, the only context we've gotten is that I'm the oldest kid and they only stuck me with Magnus because my parents saw the most hope in the two of us" [Inpu]

"You don't know any of them, do you?" [Aalto]

"I know a few of them, let's just leave it at, when you first have triplets and a brother you didn't know you had walks into the room, stares at you and leaves, it's a bit weird" [Inpu]

"It's not the weirdest thing I have heard, how many siblings does Bryan have?" [Aalto]

"386 sisters and 4 brothers" [Crystal]

"How do you know that?" [Bryan]

"Grandma used to stop by randomly, just sit around while we did chores, then when I did sit down, she'd tell me some of the most random things I've ever heard, some of those conversations I don't know why she told her granddaughter" [Crystal]

"That tracks" [Bryan]

"That must have sucked growing up with one 4 others to relate to" [Inpu]

"And you question why I'm a bit more feminine in how I do certain things?" [Bryan]

"We're getting off track, we need a good, solid plan in order to take down Damian and his stupid facility" [Crystal]

"She's right, what do we know about any weak points any of them have" [Inpu]

"Both Damian and Ajax hate each other, that's why they always separate when they need to do something, they don't work well together" [Aalto]

"So the best way to go would be get them in a room, trap them, then fight them" [Artemis]

"That could work, but what do we do about the rest of the guards? there are too many for one person to take on alone" [Crystal]

"Well, not unless the one person can take on Xylo and Ashara without taking many hits" [Aalto]

Locked Away/ My OoO AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang