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Artemis' POV

A few hours had passed since Artemis had been injected with whatever was used on him.

It was clear that he was still in a lot of pain and Inpu was doing his best to comfort him.

His wings, ears, and tail had been forced to reveal but due to him not having them for years, it was taking a large toll on his body.

Inpu couldn't do much but he felt really bad for his son, Artemis ended up taking off his shirt because his wings weren't comfortable under it so Inpu gave him his jacket because it had slits for wings because Bryan liked to steal Inpu's jackets, plus it would help with his tail if it became even slightly uncomfortable.

"The sun in going down, hopefully no one is working tonight"

Artemis didn't respond, he just stayed curled up in a corner trying to stay warm.

"Come here, I want to see if something that helped Lotus and Bryan would help you too"

"It hurts to move"

Inpu sighed and walked over to Artemis and placed his hand on his back around the center of his wings, trying to relax his wing mussels.

"I promise, buddy, we'll find a way out eventually"

Artemis was close to falling asleep again but it was clear he couldn't get comfortable which was understandable given the situation, so Inpu just started to gently sing the first lullaby that came to mind which seemed to work.

It took a few minutes, but Inpu had adjusted the way he was sitting and let Artemis use him as a pillow as they both fell asleep.

Atlas' POV

Shino, Flyn, and Atlas had been in the forest for about 20 minutes and had finally gotten to where Artemis was taken and had started looking for anything that could help them.

They realized that this part was the one part they forgot to consider and they didn't know what they could go off of.

"Alright, we've been looking for like 5 minutes, eventually Avian or Crystal if not both will find us and scold us because this is the second night in a row someone entered the forest after dark" [Shino]

"We should have brought Shade with us and had him look for other scents, that might have made this faster" [Atlas]

"I thought your sister trained them to alert her if someone did something sketchy" [Flyn]

"She did, however, I've taken him in the woods with me before and I wasn't caught" [Atlas]

Shino was going to say something, but something caught his eye before he could say anything, so he went to investigate it.

"What's up? you just went quiet" [Atlas]

"Atlas, you got the most random knowledge of what's in the forest, what's this and why is it here?" [Shino]

"That's not a normal thing in the forest, that's hidden tech someone left, hold up, does anyone know how to track tech, the people who took Artemis always leave the coordinates of the building they use it with" [Atlas]

"I would be able to tell you our coordinates off the top of my head, I could probably do it" [Flyn]

"Why do you know that?" [Shino]

"My father taught me how to for some reason, I wouldn't be able to tell you" [Flyn]

Flyn took whatever it was they found and found where the coordinates on it were and took lead.

After awhile of walking, they made it to the outside of what seemed to be some kind of lab.

They didn't know how to get in right away, but once they saw a handful of people leave, they managed to sneak in from a vent.

"Alright, now we just need to find where their keeping Artemis and get out of here" [Shino]

"That shouldn't be super hard, if we're lucky, their keeping him in one of their vault room which basically means, we spend more time opening the door, but they never code the doors because their next to impossible to get out of without a key card" [Atlas]

"Oh, were so getting caught if their in a vault room" [Flyn]

"They aren't that protected, the most we need is a keycard" [Atlas]

As he said that, someone ran at them thinking they wouldn't need to turn on the alarm, but Flyn stuck out an arm and knocked him out.

"Got our key card" [Flyn]

"Welp, that's one less thing to worry about, lets get moving" [Shino]

They kept looking around for what felt like hours until they entered a dome which must have been a cafeteria because it was full with tables.

There were a few people which they quickly took out, but one had gotten up and managed to reach the alarm and quickly the 3 of them were surrounded.

"Well shit..." [Atlas]

A few got closer but before they could touch them, everyone in the room had a tiny yet sharp black shadow blade in front of their necks.

"Touch them, and I won't hesitate to let each of those blades go right through your necks" [???]

As soon as all of them heard the voice, they froze and it was clear fear filled the room.

Eventually they were all surrounded by cops who began to handcuff those who were surrounding the kids.

They soon saw Avian and a bunch of the other heroes-in-training coming up to them and checking on them.

Atlas noticed his sister wasn't with them, which he found strange because with how she's been taking care of them, until he noticed someone running in the shadows and noticed the jackals following them.

"Atlas, where are you going?" [Avian]

"I'll deal with punishment later, but for now I'm following my sister" [Atlas]

He eventually caught up with them and noticed Shade was picking a lock with his claws like Inpu had taught him.

"Do you know if anyone is in there?"

"You may not be able to sense it, but I feel not one, but 2 powerful auras"

"So you're letting Shade pick the lock despite the fact it could be dangerous?"

"Yup, but I have a good feeling about it"

The door eventually opened to a small room when they heard a small growl coming from the corner that was covered by the door.

They both looked over to the corner and the growling stopped as they saw a very injured Inpu and an unconscious Artemis.

Crystal ran over while telling Atlas to keep watch.

She quickly checked both enough to know how much treatment they would need.

"Shit, dad is clearly awake but unresponsive and Artemis is freezing cold, I need to get them home fast"

"But you haven't been able to shadow sneak more than one person, if we wait for medical assistance they won't make it"

"I've shadow sneaked you before, this shouldn't be too bad"

"But you haven't done 3 people before"

"Not to your knowledge"


"Just go get the rest of the group and tell them that I have Artemis and another prisoner, if they ask about anything how I got them out quick, explain a smaller version of shadow sneak, but they can't wait"

Atlas nodded and ran off and Crystal quickly got both of them out of there.

Locked Away/ My OoO AUWhere stories live. Discover now