Past Enemy Now Friend

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Artemis' POV

It was early in the morning and Artemis was slowly getting up.

He woke up to find Phoenix and Oreo guarding the door with Crystal no where to be found.

Sure, it was odd, but Artemis didn't worry much until he remembered that Phoenix didn't leave Crystal's side unless a serious command is given, which started to worry him.

As soon as he was dressed for the day, Artemis quickly went downstairs and started looking for his sister.

It took him a few minutes of searching before he heard a sound that sounded like it was coming from the bathroom.

Artemis glanced over, making sure he was careful just in case someone was there.

The curtains for the opening to the bathroom was shut and he could hear Crystal's voice from the other side along with a stranger on the outside with their eyes shut.

He didn't know what to expect so he decided to stay quiet and hidden.

"You know, I think you're the first demigod I've seen bleed" [???]

"Shut up, I know I could have handled that better" [Crystal]

"I'm just saying, you got lucky, had they been in a worse mood, you might not have woken up at all, just the fact you woke up in pain is surprising" [???]

"Please quiet down, if Artemis is awake, I don't want him hearing about what happened" [Crystal]

"Are you at least clothed, I would prefer talking to you face to face, it's more likely your brother will hear if I'm on this side of the room" [???]

"I'll be out in a minute, I'm trying to cover up the scar, the foundation we have just barley doesn't work with my skin so I need to make sure it's blended in correctly" [Crystal]

"Alright, just hurry up, I may not be able to eat, but I know you still need to, and I'm not letting you starve" [???]

"Is that because you have a soft spot for me, or because your still technically in debt to my father" [Crystal]

"Both, but mainly because I have a soft spot for you" [???]

Artemis was trying to get a better look at the stranger, but while doing it, he knocked over a few books that were sitting on a small table next to him.

The books made a loud sound as they hit the floor and it was clear the 2 on the other side of the room heard it.

Crystal seemed more jumpy and the stranger seemed to be more defensive which startled Artemis.

He tried to walk away but both of them started to walk towards him and it was clear they were faster than Artemis.

"Artemis?" [Crystal]

Artemis froze in place, knowing he was caught, so he turned around in defeat and decided to get a better look at the stranger who seemed to be talking to and helping his sister.

The stranger didn't seem to be human, their body was a dark purple with a kind of magic to it, they had red roses on their body almost like a trim to a dress, they had bright green eyes with white dots as their pupils, and a more masculine form to them.

"Well, this wasn't what I was expecting to happen when I actually got to meet him" [???]

"Yeah, it went very different in my head" [Crystal]

Oreo had been creeping up on the stranger but they were quick to notice because once Oreo pounced, they made themself more transparent and Oreo managed to go right through him.

"So, who exactly are they?" [Artemis]

"My name is Zeritino, I'm a spirit who is technically in debt to your father, but he doesn't really realize that, but feel free to call me Zerry" [Zeritino]

"Dad has a spirit?" [Artemis]

"Well, he kinda just comes and goes, he has a habit of following me and Atlas though" [Crystal]

"You should be happy I help you at all" [Zeritino]

"Given the fact a few months before I met my parents you would have tried to kill me, I am" [Crystal]

"Wait, what?" [Artemis]

"I used to want your family and everyone in camp dead" [Zeritino]

Artemis froze in place a bit upon hearing that because Crystal seemed chill about it, so he looked over at his sister for a better explanation.

"You know the story I told you about the evil sword when we were getting to know each other?" [Crystal]

"Yeah?" [Artemis]

"He's the person who was a vessel in the sword" [Crystal]


"I would appreciate it if you didn't refer to me like I'm an item" [Zeritino]

"Sorry, I'm just surprised by the information I'm getting" [Artemis]

"Well, it took you 5 minutes to scream, that's a new record for you and the triplets" [Zeritino]

"Is my sister not involved in that list for a reason" [Artemis]

"I heard the story after we found out he became a spirit instead of going to the afterlife, so it didn't really effect me that much" [Crystal]

"Aren't you older than the triplets?" [Artemis]

"You never told him your family history, did you" [Zeritino]

"It never crossed my mind, I have a lot more stories I need to tell you" [Crystal]

"Leave it to Inpu to tell him, it'll be even funnier that way" [Zeritino]

"I'll let my father tell him because he has the most details, now I'm going to make breakfast, you both are welcome to follow" [Crystal]

Crystal started to walk away followed by Artemis and Zeritino when Artemis noticed a bruise on the back of Crystal's arm.

Artemis wasn't sure about a lot of things when it came to being a demigod, but he knew that he couldn't be hurt to the point of blood spill or bruise unless the opponent was much stronger.

"Who did you get in a fight with?" [Artemis]

"Hmm, oh, I just fell, nothing serious" [Crystal]

"You told me we couldn't get wounded to the point of visible physical pain unless the opponent was a lot stronger, who did you fight" [Artemis]

Crystal glanced over at Zeritino and kept walking, making it clear she was hiding something.

"Zerry, we're leaving around noon today, you sure you still don't want to come with us? dad has been awake and conscious for a while now, and shortly after we get home, papa should wake up" [Crystal]

"I'll stay here, you said it yourself that once your parents are awake, you'll move everyone back home once it's safe, so what would the point be" [Zeritino]

"Don't pretend that nothing happened, you know I caught you hiding something" [Artemis]

"I don't think you want to ask" [Zeritino]

"But my sister is hurt, something I never thought I'd see" [Artemis]

"Buddy, there are some things you won't hear from others, and most of them you won't hear for your own safety" [Zeritino]

"Do you know what happened after I went to sleep?" [Artemis]

"I do, but I'll need to tell you when your sister isn't here" [Zeritino]

"She just said we're leaving at noon" [Artemis]

"Shit, you're right" [Zeritino]

"Zeritino, I know what you're planning to do so you can show him, don't do it" [Crystal]

"Alright, I won't...I totally will, she'll never know" [Zeritino]

"I think we're going to get along well" [Artemis]

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