Welcome, Artemis

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Crystal's POV

It had been almost 24 hours since Bryan got Phoenix to wake up Crystal, it didn't feel like it had only been 24 hours, if anything it felt longer.

Bryan was slowly waking up then falling back asleep almost immediately, it worried Crystal more than anything, but she knew she couldn't do much about it.

The date was now February 20th and the time was 3:28 am.

Crystal was still in her jackal form waiting for anything to happen.

'As much as I want this to be done, I know this can't be rushed'

Bryan's wings started to glow bright and his energy felt stronger than it had for the past few hours.

He stayed like that for a while, then the light cleared.

There was now a baby laying on one of Bryan's wings (one was tucked under his body and the other over, forgot to mention that in the last chapter).

Bryan fell unconscious as soon as his power level went down, leaving Crystal to tend to the little one.

Crystal picked up the baby, leaving her wings wrapped around her and her tails tucked in front of her body to be careful.

She started to walk over to the office where Inpu had kept a birth certificate for when the baby was born.

Bryan and Inpu had already signed it ahead of time for this very reason.

Crystal had began to fill out the certificate, making sure each piece of information was correct, she knew that Bryan and Inpu agreed on his first name being Artemis, but they had left his middle name up to Crystal.

She thought for a bit with no ideas coming into her head, until she looked outside.

There had been no snow for the entirety of winter, but as she looked outside while holding Artemis, there was snow coming down, it was festinating to Crystal as it was like the third time she had ever seen snow and it struck her with an idea.

There was a book on the table with names sorted by meaning, so she flipped to the page that had names meaning snow and the name "Aspen" stuck out to her.

'Artemis Aspen Aphrodite Anubis, I think that fits you well for a full name'

The cabinets in the desk had some items for Artemis in them, so Crystal grabbed out a long sleeve shirt and some warm pj pants for Artemis along with a warm blanket that was left in a towel warmer and made sure Artemis would be warm while they walked to the nursery so Bryan could have some time to rest.

Crystal got to the nursery quickly and placed Artemis in the crib that Bryan had customized without Inpu finding out, it was a white crib with gold lining at the bottom and a black and gold drape on the top of it (I imagine a crib like the spellcaster one from the sims just in the color I described).

The time was about 4:30 in the morning now, time just seemed to speed up after Artemis was born, so Crystal just went back into her jackal form and lied in front of the crib, making sure Artemis wasn't going to not be attended too when he eventually woke up.

There were some nerves in the room because Artemis wasn't crying yet, but he was breathing so it left Crystal on high alert.

Time skip

Bryan's POV

A few hours had past and Bryan finally woke up, but he didn't wake up to what he was expecting.

Artemis and Crystal weren't in the room so Bryan got up and walked over to the nursery, thinking that they probably went there.

He entered the room to find Artemis in the crib and Crystal in her jackal form "guarding" it but seemed to be passed out.

As Bryan got closer to the crib, Artemis started to cry so Bryan picked him up and started trying to figure out what was wrong.

Bryan found out that Artemis was hungry and grabbed a small bottle from a mini fridge they left in to keep the bottles cold.

Once he put Artemis back in his crib, he moved over to Crystal and lifted her up, planning to move her to her room.

It didn't take long for Artemis to start crying again, so Bryan rushed back and picked up Artemis again.

'I just fed you and you wouldn't need a change that fast, what signs am I missing?'

Bryan just moved his hand on top of Artemis in hope that he just wanted some comfort, and it seemed to work because he quickly gripped one of Bryan's fingers.

Not wanting to leave Artemis alone, Bryan grabbed a portable crib and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

He set up the crib then placed Artemis in it and started to make food, it was just breakfast food because they hadn't eaten all day, but it was like 6 o clock in the evening so Bryan figured it would just be breakfast for dinner for the day.

Bryan turned around to check on Artemis real fast and was shocked when Dove was on top of the crib just staring at him while Phoenix was on the other side of the room trying to keep away.

"Phoenix, come here, he's not going to hurt you"

Phoenix quickly rushed over to Bryan who had grabbed out some food for the animals, trying to just keep distance from Artemis.

'I know that with everything going on, Crystal wouldn't forget to feed them, but they still feel the need to beg like they didn't eat'

Artemis was becoming slightly fussy again, still just wanting to be held, so Bryan grabbed a plate of food he had made himself and brought Artemis over to the couch.

'I need to find where Crystal put his birth certificate, I know she probably filled it in all the way but I want to check'

Dove was still watching from a distance, letting out a slight chirp every now and then, it seemed as if Dove wanted to be close but didn't want to hurt him.

Crystal had come back down, Phoenix running over to her and jumping on her shoulder as soon as she entered the room.

"Did the baby manage to scare my supposedly fearless jackal?"

"No clue, but I must say, big sister did a good job taking care of him while I was out cold"

"I'm just saying, if this happens again, I'm not staying awake for 36 hours or somewhere around that time to watch them again"

"I've told Inpu we aren't having any more kids, so you should be good"

Crystal went to the kitchen to grab some food then went over to hang out with Bryan and Artemis, it was clear she was tired but at the same time, she didn't want to leave the 2 of them alone in case something happened.

They just stayed there until it got late again, so Bryan grabbed the portable crib and set it up in his room for Artemis before he went to sleep and Crystal went back to her room so she could get some sleep. 

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