Dove The Phoenix

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Inpu's POV

It had been about a week since Aalto had come to camp.

December had finally come, there was still no sign of snow, which didn't bother Inpu, he didn't want to deal with the extra cold that came with the snow.

Inpu was working the donut shop with the triplets not far from the shop, they were just playing around, nothing too far.

Bryan was at one of the tables just writing down ideas for an upcoming event that he wasn't telling Inpu anything about.

It was calm so there wasn't any worry in camp at the moment, it was just peaceful.

Out of no where a tiny bird had landed on the table Bryan was sitting at, it was just trying to play with one of Bryan's pencils.

A slight whistle came from a distance and the small bird flew over to where it came from.

"Sorry if this little guy is causing any issues, I've been trying to keep him away from other people to keep out of trouble" [Crystal]

"Morning, Crystal, since when did you get a bird" [Inpu]

"I found him hatching a week ago, no clue what kind of bird he is, but he's very cute" [Crystal]

"I'm surprised that you can't tell what this little on is, it's kinda obvious to me what she is at least" [Bryan]

"She?" [Crystal]

"Yeah, she's a phoenix, and based on her white flaming feathers, she's a girl" [Bryan]

"You can tell all that just based off her feathers?" [Crystal]

"Yup, I actually used to have a phoenix, so I had to do a good amount of research, they start with white feathers and gain color as they get older, the gender usually depends on the shade of white of the feathers, if her feathers were a bit duller, she would have been a boy" [Bryan]

"You used to own a phoenix?" [Inpu]

"I'll tell you more about it later, dear" [Bryan]

"So, what's her name?" [Inpu]

"I named her Dove based off the hero from the DC comics" [Crystal]

Dove was now sitting on top of Crystal's head while Phoenix (who was on the ground waiting to pounce) was just looking at Crystal with a jealous face.

"I'm guessing Phoenix isn't a fan with the new friend?" [Bryan]

"She attempted to attack Dove while she was on my shoulder, so until they can get along, I've been only having one of them on me, Phoenix just doesn't like it because she always perches on my shoulder" [Crystal]

"I'm surprised she likes it that much, just trying to pick up Shade is a bite risk, so the fact she perches on you is new to me" [Inpu]

The triplets were still off to the side not really paying attention, or that what Inpu, Bryan, and Crystal thought.

Atlas was around the corner with Femi and Lotus not far behind him.

They thought no one would notice, but as soon as Dove flew to a nearby tree, Crystal knew what was up.

Atlas ran at Crystal in attempt to tackle her, however, Crystal was faster and managed to switch to her jackal form and avoided Atlas.

"Had I not had a bird with me, you would have landed that one, nice try!" [Crystal]

"I feel like you being able to change your form should be counted as cheating" [Atlas]

"Since when could you do that?" [Inpu]

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