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Artemis' POV

About an hour after Artemis and Crystal ate breakfast, Crystal went over to camp to check on something, so she left Artemis and Zeritino alone.

Both of them decided to take the time to explain what had happened the night before.

"So, how are we doing this? you said it could be difficult to explain"

"Well, since I've been learning what my spirit powers are, I realized I can see into the past and show others the past for a given area" 

"How does that work?"

Zeritino suddenly punched Artemis' arm.

"What was the for!?!"

"Look around the room"

Artemis looked around the kitchen and he saw what seemed to be stars around the room, each with a type of memory.

He touched one of the stars, and suddenly a few different people appeared along with a few items, but they were transparent and couldn't be interacted with.

Zeritino saw which memory Artemis touched, and suddenly lowered his head, knowing Artemis picked a bad one to watch.

They started watching the memory, which Artemis quickly noticed was his dads and him when he was no older than a toddler.

The memory continued, and Artemis quickly realized, it wasn't just a random memory with his dads, it was the day they were kidnapped.

It was very noticeable that Artemis was uncomfortable with what he was seeing, so Zeritino decided to switch it to the memory that Artemis wanted to see.

He started playing it from when the villains were leaving, not wanting to upset Artemis more.

They quickly watched them leave and saw Zeritino move over to Crystal who they saw just laying on the floor unconscious.

The memory finished and Artemis began to worry about his sister, knowing she probably had more physical wounds than just the bruise on the back of her arm.

"How badly was she hurt when you found her?"

"Well, she ended up healing herself for about 10 minutes before she was able to walk without any pain, and it will take her a few days to get her scars to go away"

"You say that like its not that bad!"

"Artemis, I used to kill people, I killed you father at one point and nearly a second time after he was revived, that is nothing to a demigod!"

"There is a lot that I feel the need to unpack in that sentence"

"Like I said earlier, ask Inpu"

"Wait a second, where were you when we got here? you kind of just showed up"

"Your siblings have a tree house in the back garden with a small room in the tree, I just stay there most of the time unless I feel something is wrong"

"So you didn't think to worry about the villains until my sister got hurt?"

"I've learned that just because someone powerful is here, it doesn't mean it's cause for worry, sometimes they just want to taunt, other times they want to take something without a fight, it's better to wait for anything to happen then jump to conclusions"

"They knew she wouldn't try to fight, didn't they?"

"I can't say for sure, but they knew she knew she couldn't take them alone, on top of that, Set will protect his grandchildren unless they openly oppose him, wish I knew why he doesn't do the same with his own children though"

Artemis was about to say something else, but they both heard Crystal enter the house again.

She started to head towards the room both of them were in and Artemis quickly ran over and hugged his sister.

Crystal was confused, Artemis almost had tears in his eyes and he became shaky, which clearly worried his sister.

"Did I miss something?" [Crystal]

Artemis didn't answer, he was just repeating random gibberish he usually said to himself after a long day and was tired.

After a few minutes, Crystal began speaking the same gibberish, which was when Artemis realized she could understand him.

"How did you know what I said, I was speaking gibberish" [Artemis]

"You're speaking underworld tone, more commonly known and the language of the Egyptian book of the dead" [Crystal]

"Is there even a difference between normal Egyptian and underworld tone for Egypt?" [Zeritino]

"Yes, but it could take years to even understand a sentence in underworld tone, we got lucky that dad was born in the underworld because that makes everyone in our family blood related fluent" [Crystal]

"I thought Inpu couldn't understand the book for the longest time?" [Zeritino]

"That's because he grew up in the Egyptian realm, if he spent more time in the underworld, he would have understood it a lot more" [Crystal]

"How often do you use the language to be able to tell what I'm just saying randomly?" [Artemis]

"I use it to shit talk people, most often Xylo" [Crystal]

"You shit talk a lot of people in a lot of different languages" [Zeritino]

"Well, I'm fluent in English, Egyptian, Greek, and underworld tone, the only people I can't shit talk to their faces are my siblings" [Crystal]

"So that's why it was so easy for me to understand Greek" [Artemis]

"What do you mean by that?" [Crystal]

"I took Greek in school so I had a second language for hero codes" [Artemis]

"That's pretty smart" [Crystal]

They took a moment to check the time and realized that they would have to leave in an hour or 2.

Artemis quickly went upstairs to grab the stuff he took out of his bag when he noticed something in the corner of his room.

He went to pick it up, until he remembered what had happened when he touched Bryan's soul crystal shard.

The item wasn't glowing, but he wasn't sure if he should touch it, so he decided to try something he had watched Crystal do each time she would grab things from the woods around the farm.

He reached out his arm, closed his eyed, and tried to focus on the item.

After a few minutes, he didn't feel anything wrong with the item, but he couldn't tell if it really worked, so Artemis grabbed a towel, wrapped the item in it, then put it in his bag.

Artemis quickly went downstairs after he knew it was secured and double checked that he had everything he brought.

Both of them started to head out soon after, making sure they stopped at camp first to say goodbye to the people they had talked to the day before, then they got to the train, and started to head back to the farm.

Locked Away/ My OoO AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora