See You Soon

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Bryan's POV

Time seemed to have passed real quick, January was gone and it was now February 18th to be exact.

Bryan had been attempting to help Inpu with setting up furniture for the nursery but Inpu wasn't budging and every time Bryan would try to help, he would call one of the kids to either drag him out of the room, or have them help with whatever he was doing.

Inpu was prepping because he had to leave for his meeting, he was only given 4 extra days to stay home which disappointed him.

The triplets were making sure they were ready to go, and Crystal was checking supplies in the house just in case anything happened while Inpu and the triplets were gone.

They were getting close to leaving, which sent Inpu into last minute panic because of what he could miss while he is gone, Bryan kept reassuring him that he'd be ok.

"It's only going to be 2 weeks, I'll be fine, if anything goes wrong, I can get Crystal to run to camp and find someone to help if she can't do it"

"I know, but number 5 is going to be here soon, what if it's more painful then we expect and I'm not home to comfort you"

"At the very least, if anything does happen, I won't be alone, you don't need to worry, I'll be fine"

Inpu grumbled a bit, its very obvious that he didn't want to leave but he didn't have a choice, he already managed to get 4 extra days home but he would rather stay at home with his husband.

"Please just send a letter if anything goes wrong, I don't want to loose you again"

"I promise I will, now go and get your meeting over with so you can be home faster"

Bryan kissed Inpu on his cheek, Inpu called the triplets over and left shortly after.

Bryan called Crystal out from the kitchen and they both left for camp to get a few items they might need if anything comes up.

They tried to be fast and managed to only spend an hour at camp.

They would have stayed longer, but Bryan started to feel sick so they went back to the house so Bryan could relax.

"What are the chances that these are signs by my magic that number 5 is coming soon"

"The book says that it starts with extreme exhaustion, nothing about nausea, so I kinda doubt that these are signs"

"Mind giving me a quick run down of what to expect, I don't want to worry Inpu, but I have a feeling number 5 will come while he is at his meeting"

"It starts with extreme exhaustion which marks somewhere around 24 hours before, then it turns into power surges which become more painful up until your magic takes the kid out, while the surges are going on, you likely will feel over stimulated which in select cases has caused the person with the curse unconscious after their power vanishes, so it won't be comfortable but it shouldn't be overwhelming pain like when women actually give birth"

"Still doesn't sound fun, either way, it's better then being in major pain for hours only to have to stay awake while I'm watched by other people"

"You still need someone around in case for some reason it goes south"

"That's why you're here, I at least trust you to watch over me for Inpu"

Crystal rolled her eyes and Bryan began to lay down on the couch hoping the nausea would go away.

A few hours passed and Bryan hadn't felt even a bit better, Crystal went to make dinner while Phoenix and Dove (who were sitting in the same room they were hanging out in) stayed with Bryan, keeping an eye on him like Crystal had silently told them to do.

They didn't do anything big, just some soup that was easy to make and wasn't super heavy.

After they finished dinner, Crystal helped Bryan over to his room and grabbed some pjs for him and left the room.

Bryan felt like he was going to vomit after any small movement, but he couldn't figure out why and just tried to fall asleep.

Time skip

It was about 4 am and Bryan still couldn't fall asleep, going from just feeling nauseas to feeling like he couldn't even move his body.

Phoenix walked in and just left her head to where she was looking at Bryan.

"Please go get Crystal, Phoenix"

The pup quickly ran off and came back pretty fast with Crystal following.

"You look like you've been hit by a truck"

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck"

"Does it feel like exhaustion or is a mix of that plus whatever sickness you may have"

"Option 2"

Crystal let out a worried whimper, just based on that, Bryan could assume what was wrong.

"This is going to be a long 24 hours, isn't it?"

"Wish I could confirm if it's actually what we think it is or not, but either way, we should treat it like it is, because either way, if it isn't we don't know if it would effect the baby"

"Of course this happens the day after Inpu leaves"

"Luck just isn't on our side, want me to find someone?"

"Don't, a good chunk of campers who'd be awake at this time don't know we're expecting a baby"

Bryan tried to curl up more to keep comfortable with little luck.

Crystal switched into her jackal form and lied at the other side of the bed to keep watch.

It was still very early in the morning so it was more making sure they didn't fall asleep.

Bryan was getting worse which made Crystal worry, so she tried to keep close to Bryan so he didn't feel alone.

She was trying to help in any way she could, which was mostly her keeping close to Bryan, which then lead to Crystal using what little healing she had.

They just stayed there in hope that someone would come over soon.

Crystal kept using her healing magic in hope that it would help even if it was a small amount, her power kept getting stronger in the moment.

Bryan managed to open his eyes slightly, he was clearly in pain but he wanted to see what Crystal was doing.

"When did you get a second tail?"

"Don't know, and right now, I don't care, I'm going to write a note to dad so he knows that something could be happening, I'll be right back"

Bryan just attempted to curl up more after she left the room, he didn't want to be in that much pain, but he couldn't control it, it took a few moments, but Bryan finally managed to fall asleep.

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