Acceptance Letter

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Atlas' POV

It had been a few hours since Atlas talked with his sister and he was now working on fixing the sheep pen again.

The lock was a piece of trash because it would always be put in correctly, yet the sheep would still get out so they eventually found a way to keep slightly fix it for like a month.

Phoenix and Shade were never far from the pen when it needed to be fixed, the 2 were older, but because they were made by Anubis to watch over the family, they were immortal and wouldn't let old age get to them.

The sheep never liked Atlas and would always try to fight him when he had to fix the lock, which was strange because the few goats they had liked to fight people a lot more, yet they never dared to fight Atlas.

Phoenix was about the same size as a border collie so whenever the sheep saw her, they listened, so Atlas learned to just have her close when the lock broke.

Flyn was watching him, he had been one of the first to move to the farm for safety reasons so he often just watched whatever Atlas was doing until he had to do something else.

"You just gonna watch me fight the fence or are you planning on helping?"

"Nah, I'll watch you, it's better than having to deal with the barking dog"

Atlas gave a disapproving glance and finished fixing the lock, then grabbed the toolbox and went to put it back where it was before and gave Phoenix and Shade a few treats.

Flyn just followed and they eventually made their way to the shrine in the woods.

They made a shrine in the woods so each of them could "speak" with their grandparents and parents.

Atlas never used the shrine, but Flyn used it almost daily so he could speak with his mother, and Atlas never argued, he understood why he did it so he just stood silent while Flyn started to silently speak.

'Props to him for being able to talk to his parents, had my dads left me here with no notice, I would barley speak with them'

After a few minutes, Flyn got up and the boys walked back to the main house to check on what tasks still needed to be done.

Once they each picked a task that needed to get done, they saw Crystal's car pull in, they didn't realize that she was going to get home as soon as she did.

She got out of the car and the dogs rushed over as they usually did, but instead of her just going into the house or the cabin (where others would move in if they needed, it was kinda like a hotel) she gave Atlas a look and motioned for him to meet her inside the house.

"What the heck did you do this time, Ats"

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that, plus I didn't do anything"

"Your sister never gives a look like that unless something is wrong"

"I didn't do anything wrong, it could be about school or the animals for all I know"

"Keep telling yourself that, I'll leave your ashes with the goats if you want"

Atlas just gave Flyn the middle finger and walked over to the house.

He got inside and sat on the couch expecting to get another lecture on the fact he wasn't wearing his working boots or that he hadn't cleaned his room this morning.

Crystal came into the room and put a letter in front of Atlas.

"What's this?"

"A letter from the school I recommended you to"

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