Family Reunion

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Bryan's POV

It had been about a week and a half since Artemis was born, Bryan knew that Inpu and the triplets would be arriving home soon so he was trying to find something cute for Artemis to wear.

Bryan and Crystal had been taking shifts sleeping with Bryan sleeping during the night while Crystal would take power naps while Bryan was awake.

She was nervous that Artemis would have a similar fate to her, so she never stayed asleep for more than an hour just in case something happened.

Aphrodite had arrived early in the morning so she could meet her new grandchild and help out in any way she could.

They knew that Inpu would arrive home either that day or the next day, but when him and the triplets arrived home, they also got a quick surprise.

Bryan and Aphrodite were sitting in the garden with Artemis in Bryan's arms and Helios not far from them as Inpu and the triplets arrived home with 2 extra people with them.

The triplets ran over first, they wanted to meet their new baby sibling as soon as possible, Inpu was trying to follow them as closely as possible.

"Welcome home, love" [Bryan]

Inpu just sat next to Bryan and held him close just staring at Artemis.

Bryan got a better look of who was following Inpu, he recognized Izanami, but the man who was following him he didn't know.

"He's so tiny" [Inpu]

"You were that small once" [Izanami]

Inpu looked over at his mother with a slightly annoyed look Bryan took that moment to ask.

"Love, if you don't mind me asking, who did you bring with you?" [Bryan]

"Well, I got your letter while at a meeting for the underworlds, so I figured it'd be ok if I brought my parents back with me" [Inpu]

"Wait, I thought you said your dad couldn't leave the underworld though?" [Bryan]

"When we found out that Artemis was born, I figured I'd use my abilities to create a body for Anubis sort of as an apology for what I did years ago, so I figured giving him a chance to meet the newest grandchild without needing to wait for you to visit would work" [Izanami]

Bryan stood up and walked over to where Anubis was standing.

"It's great to finally see you in what I'm guessing is your human form" [Bryan]

"It's not really human form per say, I like to call it in between because it isn't human form and it's not god form" [Anubis]

They both laughed seeming to get along, Aphrodite decided to stay in the garden while the rest went inside.

The triplets kept hovering over Bryan who was still holding Artemis asking for a chance to hold him.

Phoenix and Shade ran into the room as soon as they heard noise in the room (Forgot to say that Inpu left Shade at home while he was at his meeting) and started to growl at the triplets trying to give Bryan some space.

Bryan handed Artemis to Inpu and walked over to grab a tea kettle from the kitchen that he had made in the morning so they could have iced tea with lunch but he figure it'd be better to just use it now.

"So, is one missing or has she decided that she doesn't want to stay in the house" [Anubis]

"She's been taking power naps since Artemis was born, she seems to be extra tired as of recently, I'm unsure why but I know for a fact that she won't sleep for more than an hour and she stays awake when I'm asleep" [Bryan]

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