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Inpu's POV

Izanami, Anubis, and Aphrodite had left as the sun went down, which Inpu expected, but he couldn't fall asleep so he was just sitting on the couch waiting for anyone to walk in the door.

He could hear footsteps come closer and Phoenix ran towards the door which Inpu saw as a good sign because she wasn't barking.

Crystal walked in the door with Artemis asleep in her arms.

"How much of a plan is there"

"There was more of a plan after I hid in the shadows?"

"They went to the beach after you slipped away, Bryan gave me the signal that he had a plan and that I should trust him, I thought he would have talked to you about it"

"I've had an uneasy feeling since I left, if he isn't back by noon tomorrow, I'll try and follow his aura and look for him"

Crystal handed Artemis to Inpu as he was beginning to get fussy.

"We just can't win, so much has happened to our family and I'm starting to get anxiety whenever any of us go outside alone"

"You may feel that now, but that's been my entire life"

Inpu looked up from Artemis confused.

"I thought you felt safe in the facility before you found out what happened?"

"Nope, I lied about that as to not worry others, I never felt safe there because they would kill someone every day, I would try and hide from people every day so I was less likely for something to happen"

"No wonder your so clingy, if you didn't trust anyone, how did you meet Skyler?"

"They liked to tease me, I was so quiet they just wanted to be around me so they could hear my voice, so one day, I had enough and dragged them in another room and told them to stop, I didn't realize it in the moment, but I was using a different tone then normal and it made them fall in love, so we kinda just kept around each other"

Inpu let out a slight laugh and looked back at Artemis.

"Go get some sleep, I'll stay up with Artemis tonight"

Crystal left the room with Phoenix running quickly behind her.

Inpu just sat there and started to cry while Artemis stared at him, he didn't want to seem weak, but he couldn't, he was too worried, he just sat on the couch leaning his head onto Artemis just crying.

Artemis seemed to understand that Inpu was sad and let out a slight laugh, attempting to make Inpu smile.

Inpu just looked in disbelief, he didn't know if babies were meant to laugh that early on in life but decided to brush it off because of how Artemis was born, so he moved Artemis a tad and laughed with him to try and keep him happy.

The night seemed to pass fast, Inpu's worries didn't go away which made him hold Artemis closer.

He wanted to send Crystal to search for Bryan as soon as possible, but he knew that there was still the chance he gets home early in the morning.

Inpu got up to find something to eat because he was getting hungry, and went into the kitchen where he found his kids all sitting around the table, Phoenix, Dove, and Shade were eating what Crystal had given them.

"Morning, I made pancakes" [Crystal]

"How did you manage to get down here so fast, I didn't even notice you come down?" [Inpu]

"You were staring at Artemis when we came down, we figured that you had some stuff on your mind and left you alone" [Atlas]

"We know you're worried about dad, we want to help in any way possible but Crystal just said we could help by staying here" [Femi]

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