A Familiar Face

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Bryan's POV

It was a calm day, cold, but calm, everyone was bundled up in camp.

Inpu was trying not to complain to Bryan as he was just staring at one of the fountins in front of the camp gates.

Xylo and Mario were off to the side, they were just playing cards to distract them from the cold.

Even though it was cold, something felt off, Bryan couldn't tell what, but something didn't feel right.

He was about to get up and find the triplets to make sure they were ok, but suddenly, someone stepped through the gates.

It was clear that this new guy was either extremally masculine, or was a butch lesbian by the way they presented themself, they wore ripped jeans, a heavy, teal and gold jacket that was left unzipped, and a crop top that looked like a swim shirt.

'I'm going to take a guess that if this person is a demigod, they are a child of Poseidon'

"Who are you and why are you here?" [Inpu]

"My name is Aalto, I was told there was a portal to Atlantis here, I was told this one would be easiest to access" [Aalto]

"I'm guessing Mitch called you over?" [Xylo]

"Yes, he said that I should come soon to discuss urgent matters regarding certain things I'm not able to disclose" [Aalto]

"You can follow us, we'll show you where the portal is" [Bryan]

The 4 leading Aalto were showing him to the portal, when a very familiar yell was heard near the barns.


They all decided it would be smart to investigate so they walked over to the barn where they found the triplets and Crystal hanging out.

Lotus had managed to somehow get on top of the barn and was now stuck.

"I knew I could climb up pretty high, but I didn't realize that Lotus would be able to climb up that high" [Crystal]

"Can someone please help me down?" [Lotus]

Crystal had started to climb up when everyone started to gather round, she had just climbed up to a point where she could wrap a rope somewhere, grab Lotus, and slide down.

"Can I ask who thought climbing up there was a good idea?" [Inpu]

"We watched Crystal climb up there a few times to get Jeffery down and Lotus thought they would be able to climb up and get down without any issues" [Femi]

"You did what-?" [Mario]

"Your horse is very stubborn, it was either I get him down, or he stays of the roof of the barn [Crystal]

It was clear that Crystal was now at least slightly comfortable at camp, and it was clear that she had made friends with the triplets based on the fact that they had watched her climb the barn and were willing to copy it.

Aalto was originally keeping his distance, but now his curiosity had clearly gotten to him and he got closer to the group.

As soon as Aalto and Crystal met their eyes, it was clear they knew each other.

Crystal had begun to back up, and Phoenix (who apparently was just inside the barn) had ran out and started barking at Aalto, something was wrong.

"Didn't think I'd see you again" [Aalto]

"Why are you here?" [Crystal]

She was stuttering for the first time in at most a week and a half, Bryan and Inpu had decided to take a step closer, just in case something went south and the kids or Crystal needed to hide.

Crystal had gotten closer to Bryan and Inpu, it was clear she didn't trust the stranger.

"I'm just here to get to a meeting, might I ask what you are doing here?" [Aalto]

Crystal was whispering some form of gibberish, it didn't sound like another language, but Bryan knew he had heard Inpu recite the same gibberish before.

Bryan looked over at Inpu, who looked slightly enraged, then he looked at the triplets, based on their scared reactions, they could understand it too.

"Xylo, why don't you and Mario show Aalto to the portal, we'll meet up again later" [Bryan]

"I can agree with that, lets go Xylo" [Mario]

Aalto, Mario, and Xylo left, Bryan looked back to where Crystal was, but she was gone, the triplets had to have noticed and followed because they also weren't there.

The both of them started to head to the other side of the horse field where it was darker, it was easier to hide there, so it would be a safe spot to hide in plain sight.

All 4 of them were hiding under the trees, they were all under their own tree, not making a peep.

"Atlas, Lotus, and Femi, can you guys go find your aunt and uncle and stay with them for a bit, we need to do a few important things" [Bryan]

The triplets just nodded and ran off while Inpu and Bryan just sat under a tree looking towards Crystal, they didn't want to invade her space, but they needed answers about what just happened.

"I'll start with what I think the easiest question is, how do you know how to speak the language of the Egyptian underworld?" [Inpu]

"It's an actual language? I thought it was just random gibberish only I could understand, others just made me think I was crazy" [Crystal]

She was making herself seem smaller than she actually was, it was clear that Crystal knew what questions were coming.

"How do you know Aalto?" [Bryan]

"He was known as the tormentor, at the facility, if you didn't follow even one rule, he'd torturer you until you listened, and if you didn't...he'd kill you, but it was so often, if anyone saw his face, they would run and let everyone know an execution was going to take place because he never gave anyone an easy way out and there would always be some kind of bloodshed" [Crystal]

"So that's what you meant by torturer and torment" [Inpu]

"Is that all you were able to understand, I know I spoke a mile a minute" [Crystal]

"I know I missed most of what you said, you were speaking faster than I could ever imagine talking in that language, and I'm fluent in it" [Inpu]

Crystal started to speak the same gibberish, this time it was calmer, Inpu was responding, so they were speaking the same language.

It seemed that Crystal was becoming more sassy as she spoke, which lightened the mood.

"You know, it feels kinda rude knowing the 2 of you are having a full conversation and I can't understand a second of it" [Bryan]

"I'll try and teach you later, but for now, its probably better if we deal with what could be a potential problem first" [Inpu]

"Hey, that gives me an idea" [Bryan]

"Go on..." [Crystal]

"I know Inpu needs to speak with his dad still, why don't you go with him, if you are related to Anubis, he probably would tell you" [Bryan]

"I wouldn't mind taking you with me, I'd probably take Lotus with me as well, I'm most likely going to see if I can get my arm back and see if Lotus can get their wing back" [Inpu]

"Sounds like a plan then, if it can help me find out who my parents are, then I won't mind taking a trip to wherever we would need to go" [Crystal]

"Alright, you head back to your cabin and calm down, I doubt that your mentally ok after what just happened, if you need anything, you know where to find us" [Bryan]

Crystal nodded, then got up and headed to her cabin, Bryan and Inpu started to walk around camp to find where the triplets got distracted, but something about Aalto didn't sit right with Bryan.

Sure, they were told he was an executioner like Crystal had said earlier, but it was more than that, something was just not sitting right.

Bryan decided it was better to brush it off for now, it could have just been the weight of the situation, but it was safer to be prepared then not, so Bryan didn't let his guard down one bit.

Locked Away/ My OoO AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt