15 Years Later

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Before chapter info/stuff I don't know how to fit into the story:

This does take place after MHO (1 year to be exact)

Brypu kids ages:
Crystal: 23
Atlas: 21
Femi: 21
Lotus: 21
Artemis: 17

Don't know how I'll fit it into the story so I'll put it here just incase: Bryan was found 10 years after the kidnapping but was badly harmed from it and was left in a coma so on top of work and caring for her siblings, Crystal takes care of Bryan's medical care because they can't deal with hospital bills on top of everything going on with them.

The triplets and Crystal live on a farm with their animals and a few they took in to care for, however, they also take in kids from camp who's parents don't want them in camp for safety reasons.

Crystal's POV

It was an early morning, the roosters seemed to be awake, Shade and Phoenix were barking at the sheep which had probably escaped again due to the bad lock, then there were the demigods of the farm.

Most of them were already awake and playing outside, the rest were mostly slowly getting out of bed except for 2.

Crystal had been awake and wanted to get out of bed, but Skyler was on top of her keeping her on the bed.

She wasn't exactly fighting it, other than animal care and checking on the donut shop, she didn't have anything to do, and most of the others knew what to do so she wasn't worried.

"Sky, we need to get up, I have stuff that needs to get done"

"It can wait 5 minutes, I want more cuddles"

"It really can't, I'm the only one Helios lets in his stall and I need to check on the donut shop today to make sure nothing needs to be changed"

After a few minutes, Crystal managed to wiggle her way out and started to grab some clothes so she could get ready.

She just grabbed a simple light purple crop top and some black jeans and left out a light blue shirt and blue jeans for Skyler.

They both got ready and headed downstairs where the triplets had made cereal for themselves and had gotten ready for the day.

"Any new school letters, Atlas?" [Crystal]

"None that I'm willing to accept" [Atlas]

Crystal let out a sigh, Atlas had been kicked out of 3 different high schools because of other students pinning blame on him and him getting expelled because they refused to check any security footage.

"You know you're gonna need to accept one offer eventually" [Skyler]

"I'd rather stay home and care for dad then go to a dumb school that will be as crappy as the rest" [Atlas]

"Femi, go get the mail, take Lotus with you, I need to talk to Atlas" [Crystal]

Femi nodded and left with Lotus as Crystal sat next to Atlas at the table.

"You know I'm not going to let you give up" [Crystal]

"The only thing of dad I have to take with me if I were to stay at a school is the necklace he gave me before he was taken, I don't want to risk it being taken or stolen" [Atlas]

"That's not the reason why you don't want to go, we both know that" [Crystal]

"I don't want to make friends just to be framed and lose them again" [Atlas]

"Then we keep looking till we find a school with little to no problem rate, that way you don't need to worry" [Skyler]

"We'll give you a week to apply to a few different schools, after that I'll apply you to a few, I'm not going to compromise this, I want you to succeed for dad's sake" [Crystal]

Atlas didn't say a thing, he just looked down at the table, he didn't want to upset his fathers despite the fact they didn't know where one was and the other was unconscious with multiple wounds leaving him unable to move.

"I'll go for more than dad and papa, I'll go 100% if I find signs that Artemis is there" [Atlas]

Crystal just jolted her gaze to her brother, he hadn't mentioned Artemis since the move, Atlas never showed it but he was very close to Artemis so it hurt a lot when everything went to hell.

"Then I have a perfect mission for you, how would you feel if you got your heroes license?" [Crystal]

"What do you mean?" [Atlas]

"There is a shadow quirk user at monarch academy with similar power to your power, I'm waiting for a letter saying that my recommendation will be accepted, but if it all goes to plan, you can investigate and go to school and there is a chance we find out brother" [Crystal]

"But what if something goes wrong again, what if I leave and you, Lotus, and Femi are captured and I'm alone" [Atlas]

"I won't let that happen as long as Crystal is married to me" [Skyler]

"I thought you weren't getting married until after everything gets better?" [Atlas]

"No, we said we wouldn't have a ceremony until everything is better, I wasn't going to wait that long so we just went down town after I turned 18 so we could get married" [Skyler]

Atlas had always found his sister's relationship both cute and gross because he never fully understood relationships, yet this information was intriguing to him.

"I'll do it, how long will it take for them to get back to you about the whole school thing" [Atlas]

"I give it about 2 weeks, they emailed me earlier this week saying you'd be joining shortly after the school year starts due to your current school record, but I have a good feeling about this one" [Crystal]

"What do you think dad would say about this" [Atlas]

"I'm sure both of them would be proud,  just because of your quote on quote bad record, they know it wouldn't sound right, they know the real you, they would be happy that you're still trying" [Crystal]

"Why don't you go feed the animals, or go help your other 2 parts get the mail, it is a bit of a hike from the house and you never know if there are any packages" [Skyler]

Atlas got up and quickly ran out the door, they knew he was running to feed the animals after Phoenix started barking and Dove's now blue flames were seen landing the porch.

Crystal just laughed and started to grab something to eat before she left for the day to do her errands with Skyler following close behind her.

They both just sat on the porch waiting for the time to pass, watching all the kids running around, playing before they all had to catch the bus to go to school.

It was their normal routine, chores get done, everyone spends energy, then goes to do whatever it is that needs to get done for the day, often for the younger ones, it was school while for the adults (those over 18) went into town to run the donut shop or do whatever job they decided to keep.

None of them wanted them to keep this morning routine, but it was their "new" normal, so they never fought it.

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