Ritual Preparations

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Crystal's POV

Each of them had woken up at random times, but once they were awake, they couldn't fall asleep.

Artemis was the last one to wake up since he had taken the worst hit but it was clear all 3 were stressed about being held captive.

Damian had been coming in and out every 30 minutes since he didn't trust that none of them would escape or at the very least attempt to.

Crystal was pissed at how they kept her locked up since her arms were above the rest of her body.

They knew she could escape with how the other 2 were chained up, so they had to get creative, but it just made her angry which they really didn't want.

"Of all the ways they could have left me, they leave me like this" [Crystal]

"You need to remember, they know you know how to get out of any situation, so they do that since it's the one way you can't get out" [Aalto]

"If they know she can get out of any situation, why leave her in an open room?" [Artemis]

"Because they are dumbasses and don't realize she'll be able to get out of it eventually" [Aalto]

"Only issue with getting out is that I need to flip my entire body through the chains but I need to make sure the coast is clear first" [Crystal]

"And how are you going to do that?" [Aalto]

"Simple, Damian seems to be coming in every 30 minutes to make sure we are still here, so I wait till he leaves again, then I get out, get you both out, then we escape" [Crystal]

"I'd rethink your logic if that's your plan" [???]

All three looked around the room, trying to look for where the voice came from, and they quickly found where it came from.

A shadowy figure came out soon after, slowly becoming more clear the more he came out.

"Oh, and I thought it was the scary one, hate to see you, Ajax" [Crystal]

"Darling, you could never know how much I missed seeing you in the facility" [Ajax]

"Your father used both of us for the same experiments, why the fuck do you still bother with working with him, also call me darling one more time and I'll stick your hand where the sun doesn't shine" [Crystal]

"Why I deal with my father is simple, once the ritual is complete, I can kill him and rule the world" [Ajax]

"Yeah, nice try, from what I've heard, the ritual involves getting married, you can't marry someone who already has a spouse and I'm a minor so I won't work" [Artemis]

"Doesn't matter if its legal or not, once a ceremony is done, the non blood one gets a power boost" [Ajax]

"Keep telling yourself that" [Crystal]

"Why don't you both shut the fuck up, I don't care how long I need to wait, I will get this ritual done" [Ajax]

Ajax walked out of the room soon after, clearly angry.

Crystal quickly got herself in a position so she could unlock the chains on her wrist and got out.

She quickly got Artemis and Aalto out and they each went to hide behind a wall.

"And I thought you were the one who could easily get out in a few minutes, we were here for hours" [Aalto]

"Shut up, I'm not going to risk my brother's life" [Crystal]

"What about grandpa's life?" [Artemis]

"Anubis I'd save, Aalto, eh we could live without him" [Crystal]

"Jeez, glad to know how you feel" [Aalto]

"You fail to remember that you tormented me for the first 6 years of my life, kidnapped Artemis and my parents when I was 8, pretended to be in jail for years, then you kidnapped Artemis again" [Crystal]

"When you put it like that it actually makes sense why you hate me so much" [Aalto]

"You never thought about what you did to her?" [Artemis]

"Not really, I don't really reflect on my life choices much" [Aalto]

"Both of you shut up, someone's coming in" [Crystal]

They all watched as Ajax and Damian walked into the room, saw they weren't there, and ran out in a panic.

"Ok, the coast is clear, follow me" [Crystal]

She quickly lead them to closet that had a crawl space they thought led outside based on the light outside.

As they exited, they noticed they weren't outside, they were in the facility Crystal spent the first five years of her life in.

"Oh shit..." [Crystal]

"Good choice of words considering you will be spending the rest of your days here" [Damian]

They all turned around and saw they were cornered by guards along with Damian and Ajax.

"This is bad" [Aalto, Artemis, and Crystal]

Bryan's POV

Due to the fact Crystal had been gone for more than a day, Bryan was a bit suspicious to say the least, but he wasn't the only one.

Inpu was also very suspicious about what had happened to her since she wouldn't be gone this long if it was just a simple check in.

Both had been trying to track her phone and calling her to no avail, so they went to their second option, calling Atlas and Artemis.

Artemis also hadn't been picking up, but after a few missed calls, Atlas picked up.

"Hi, dad, is everything ok?" [Atlas]

"Yeah, just fine here, have you seen your older sister by any chance?" [Bryan]

"Nope, can't say I have, why?" [Atlas]

"Well, if you haven't seen her, why is her phone at your dorm?" [Inpu]

"I don't know, still haven't seen her" [Atlas]

"Atlas, I'm giving you one chance to tell us the truth, where is your sister?" [Bryan]

"...Alright, Artemis was kidnapped a few days ago, so we called Crystal to figure out how to get him back, then when Artemis managed to come back on his own, they both were taken and we don't know what to do now" [Atlas]

"Ok, that was a lot worse then I thought it would be" [Inpu]

"Do you know who took them?" [Bryan]

"I saw Ajax and Damian, I don't know if anyone else was there" [Atlas]

"Alright, here's the plan, Inpu and I will be there in a few days to search for them both, until then, you stay in your dorm and don't leave until this is figured out, we don't need anything happening to you" [Bryan]

"What about Femi and Lotus?" [Atlas]

"I'll see if Momiji and Ricarro can watch them while Bryan gets us ready to head over there" [Inpu]

"Ok, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" [Atlas]

"Don't worry about it, we'll figure it out" [Bryan]

Bryan hung up and started to get ready while Inpu took a quick call to Momiji while they got ready to go.

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