New School

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Atlas' POV

The day had finally arrived for Atlas to go to his new school, he was very excited, but he was still very nervous as it would be his first time going anywhere without any of his siblings.

Crystal was helping him load up a few things into the truck so Atlas could feel comfortable in his new dorm with his potential roommates if he was given any.

It ended up being a team effort because Atlas was nervous about it and it gave the people who cared about him the most a chance to say goodbye before he went off for the school year.

"Alright, you have 3 boxes of stuff, 2 of them are clothes and accessories and the last box is stuff that you want to have with you, I left your laptop and tablet in your backpack, you still have access to our families bank account right?"

"Yes, Crystal, I still have access to it, I should be fine on my own"

As Atlas said that, a small noise was heard from inside the truck, Crystal could tell what it was right away.

"Let the goat out of the car"

Atlas opened the door and a baby goat came out and started to rub up on Atlas' leg.

"Really, we could have gotten you a puppy to have as a companion for school, but you were going to pick a goat"

"Yes, I'm going to miss him, he's the only goat who fights everyone he sees except for me"

"But it's a goat"

"You arrived with a jackal pup and 2 horses and it's strange for me to bring a goat"

"I was going to camp, you're going to school"

"And your point is?"

Crystal sighed and picked up the goat making sure it didn't have any way of turning around and attacking her.

"I'll make sure he doesn't get loose and nothing bad happens to him"

"I was kinda hoping you let it slide, I was hoping I got to name him and keep him as a pet"

"You are the last person I'd expect to want to keep a goat as a pet"

"We knew I wanted a strange animal as a companion, I feel like a goat is the least strange"

"Anyways, I got Flyn to agree to drive you to school, don't expect your roommates to be there when you get there, they will likely be in class so don't be offended"

"Alright, how long will we be in the car, I want to know how long to expect to be on the road"

"It's about 4 hours from here, I was hoping it would be closer to the farm, but I can't change it's location so we just got to deal with it"

"Damn it, that means I won't have as much time to spend if I come home for the weekend"

"While that may be true, don't worry too much about it, I have a feeling you'll have enough of a good time there you won't want to come home too often"

Atlas rolled his eyes but didn't seemed too annoyed this time.

Crystal gave Atlas a hug, said her goodbyes, and went to put the goat Atlas tried to take back in the pen.

He got in the car and waited for Flyn, who came out soon after and quickly got into the drivers seat and they started to drive off. 

The ride over was quiet at first, neither of them wanted to really speak.

"So, once you start classes are you gonna talk about boys with whoever you meet?"

"Only if everyone around me is, don't worry, no one will top you on my list"

"Please tell me Crystal was lying about the fact you attempted to bring a goat with you"

"I won't say weather I did or not, all I will say is good luck with caring for the goats, I would have taken the most problematic ones"

"I'll just bring one of your shirts when I need to clean the pen, hopefully it'll keep the goats distracted while I get stuff done"

"That might actually work, I can't believe we never thought of that"

"So any idea on who your roommates might be?"

"I saw a few names on the online part of sign in this morning"

"And those would be?"

"I believe the names were Artemis, Shino, and Rikku"

"Well, will you be ok having a roommate with the same name as your missing brother?"

"I should be, Crystal checked with me about 5 times before she confirmed my dorm"

"Alright, sticking on the name thing, you have a fake last name or are you sticking with the real last name and risking exposing yourself"

"Crystal set my last name as Rosewood like her own, she said it would be better than using grandpa's fake last name because its the same last name I used in my other schools, so it was easier to use Dad's fake last name"

"Welp, I got to give it to your sister, she's pretty smart when it comes to second chances, plus Atlas Rosewood sounds better then Atlas Gravestone in my opinion"

"You just like it more because it brings out more of the side of me that shows Aphrodite and Brydad"

"I'd be lying if I said it was completely wrong, but its a very small part, I could care less about that over everything else though"

Atlas laughed at him and leaned to look out the window as they started to head into the city.

"Were finally out of the country, what do you think about the main part of the city, Atlas"

"Not as good as the part with the donut shop, but it's still pretty cool"

"Hey, it's not just bars, supermarkets, and home depot here like it is at home, I'd rather have as many stores here then just going to food stores every day""

"I thought you liked working on the projects with tools, you've never complained about having to get them before"

"I don't hate it, I'd just rather have somewhere else to shop"

They kept talking about random things for another few hours and eventually made it to monarch academy.

It took a bit of time, but they eventually found where Atlas' dorm was and got everything situated in his room.

The dorm had clearly been changed around to have another room but Atlas didn't mind that it was obvious.

Flyn helped Atlas set up, said goodbye, and left.

Atlas moved to sit on his bed and closed his eyes for a bit, he had the chance to start a new chapter of his life and he wasn't going to let it go to waste, but he wasn't going to start half asleep.

He fell asleep knowing that when he woke up, he would not only start his mission, he would start his hero journey.

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