Time For A Meeting

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Aalto's POV

Mario and Xylo left shortly after Aalto saw the portal, Aalto could care less that they left, it was a private meeting, so he didn't want them following him.

Aalto took off his jacket and quickly put it behind the portal and walked in.

When he arrived in Atlantis, he was greeted by Mitch, the person he was there to see.

"Before I give you a welcome, are you going to stay like that or are you going to switch to siren form?"

"I planned on switching now, didn't want to transform in front of the fools who showed me the portal"

"Fair enough, I'd ask who showed you the way, but you don't know anyone in camp"

Before Aalto said another word, he shifted, his skin was now slightly darker than before, his teeth became sharper, and his legs changed into a gold tail with white highlights.

"That's much better, now, why don't we go to your office, its probably a better place to talk"

"Agreed, this way"

Mitch started to walk to his office while Aalto swam closely behind.

Eventually, both of them went into the office, Mitch sat his desk while Aalto just stood(?) at the other side of the desk.

"So, care to explain what sent you over here?"

"Well, I appear as the king of the sirens (not cannon with mythology, just made up) but I'm here as second in command for the facility working on project dg"

"I'm going to guess that you were what your boss meant when he said he was going to send someone he trusted, then"

"You'd be correct, my boss was unsure if he'd be able to breath fine since you said it was underwater, so I was the next best choice"

"The cold must have been a pain to deal with, I know cold water doesn't bother you, but cold air, welp it's at least better to deal with than snow"

"I'm glad it hasn't snowed yet, most of my clothes are made for when I swim, not when I'm around air breathers"

"haha, now, onto the real reason I'm here, it's about the new girl in camp" (still Aalto for this line)

"You mean Crystal? I've run into her once, what about her?"

"She escaped from the facility, usually we wouldn't try to recapture the escaped subjects, but she has a different purpose from every other subject we've had"

"If I'm allowed to know, may I know the purpose of the normal subjects compared to her?"

"Well, in order to know that, you need to know the background for the project, basically, we have scouts placed in hospitals close to the facility, they take the kids with an increased magic sense and inject them with a serum that makes them look and act 18 when they should be 1, then we let them walk around the facility with a power suppresser on, then we wait and hope that at least one pair decides to have a child, if the child has power we move to stage 2, I'd tell you about that, but we have yet to see any results so we haven't started it yet, the normal subjects are used to try and advance to stage 2, while Crystal's purpose is to slowly show signs or power, then once she had a good amount of power, she would be introduced to my boss' son in hope that the 2 would get along, that's the most I know about it, but I do know that my boss has big plans for her"

"Well, can't say I was expecting that, but I'm going to guess you need my help because she came into camp?"

"More than just the fact she's in camp, I need help getting her back because of the relations I know she has in camp that she doesn't realize yet"

Locked Away/ My OoO AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon