Masked In The Shadows

18 0 6

Atlas' POV

School felt longer than it usually did today and the only thing that Atlas wanted to do once he left was to go into town and visit the donut shop.

It didn't take too long for him to be stopped by his room mates and a few of their friends who were curious as to where he was going.

Once Atlas explained where he was going, they decided to go together so Atlas could get some familiar food and his friends could meet some of his other friends and possibly his family.

They left soon after because they didn't want to miss the bus because if they missed it they wouldn't have been able to leave when they wanted too.

The bus ride over didn't feel too long because they were each having some part of good conversation about what they were planning on doing once they got to the right part of the city.

After the bus stopped and they got off, Atlas quickly took the lead and started to head in the direction of the donut shop.

Eventually, they reached the donut shop and headed inside where they found a few different people.

Atlas looked around to find a familiar face behind the counter to find no one was there at the moment but someone would likely be there soon since the bell on the door rang.

He went up to the counter to see what had in stock when he heard a familiar voice.

"We do have your favorite in stock if you're wondering" [Flyn]

"I didn't doubt that, Lotus always makes at least half a dozen every day and will sell the extra at the end of the night" [Atlas]

Clover noticed first that Atlas was talking with one of the employees like old friends and decided to say something about it.

"So do you plan to introduce us to your friend or no?" [Clover]

"Oh, sorry, guys, this is Flyn, Flyn, these are my friends from school, Rikku, Iris, Clover, Shizu, Shino, Blake, and Artemis" [Atlas] (I was going to have a chapter about how he made friends with Atlas, but I wrote it then it disappeared and I'm not rewriting it)

Flyn looked at each of them confused as to how Atlas became friends with them based off of how he has made friends in the past and pieced it together for each of them except Iris.

"I can understand how you would accept each of them as friends except for him, so what's the story?" [Flyn]

"I use they/them pronouns so I suggest you use the right ones for me because I have a history of breaking kneecaps due to people not using my correct pronouns" [Iris]

"There it is, did you tell him about the incident you had with Kiara after she misused Lotus' pronouns for the 5th day in a row?" [Flyn]

"It's better I don't, that girl may have Kiaba's personality but she's also got Ashara's strength, so I don't feel comfortable with telling that story to others because I know she'll at least try to fight me" [Atlas]

"You scare me more every day yet I still feel like you're not as dangerous as most of the people you live with" [Shino]

"I second that" [Shizu]

"He's not as bad as his sister when she's angry, if you think Atlas is scary, trust me, you don't want to see that" [Flyn]

"Is it bad I want to see it just to see what Atlas possibly views as scary?" [Artemis]

"Nah, I think we just think we think on the same wavelength so what I find scary, you find scary" [Atlas]

"You both do have almost exactly the same quirk, it wouldn't surprise me if you can mentally connect with each other because of it" [Rikku]

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