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Artemis' POV

It was a calm morning as it usually was.

Atlas and Artemis were doing their morning training, Shino and Rikku were watching nearby because no one else was awake yet, and Oreo was running around trying to cause a distraction for Artemis to see how good his focus was.

They had been training since about 3 in the morning, so they were starting to get tired, but they didn't want to go to bed since Rikku and Artemis had shifts at the café once it opened.

Artemis realized that it would be a good idea to get everyone coffee before he had to leave for work, so he had everyone stay at the dome while he went back to the dorm to get everyone a drink.

While he was making his way back, he noticed Oreo started to follow him closely and was growling slightly.

It startled Artemis a bit, but he wasn't getting any whispers so he wasn't paying it much mind.

Once he reached the door of the dorm, he noticed someone looking at each dorm, seemingly looking for someone.

He seemed like an older fellow, he walked like he was all high and mighty, but Artemis just assumed he was a grandparent visiting a student.

Artemis unlocked the door and was about to step inside, when he was stopped by the person who was walking around the dorms.

"Excuse me? I'm looking for someone going by the name 'Artemis Divil'"

"That's me, can I help you with something?"

As the words escaped Artemis' mouth, the warning whispers started to whisper in Artemis' head and Oreo started to growl more than he was a few minutes ago.

He still thought nothing of it, he could have just done something related to school and they sent someone to talk about it, he was only a bit suspicious because Oreo was growling.

Before the man could speak again, he tried to step closer, but Oreo snapped his teeth at him and the man took a step back.

"I'm guessing your dog doesn't like people"

"Usually he's fine, I guess he's just a bit cranky this morning"

"Alright, anyways, my name is Aalto, I'm Bryan's father, I just wanted to introduce myself without your fathers present"

"Why not have them present, if you're family, wouldn't it make sense for them to be with you?"

"While you're not wrong, your fathers and I don't get along well, so I don't have much of a relationship with my grandkids, so I was hoping I'd be able to try and get to know you so I know at least a little bit about my grandkids"

Artemis found what he said a little strange, but blew it off, though it was clear that Oreo didn't trust him at all.

"Well, I have work in like a half hour, that will take up most of the day then I have dinner with my family while their in the city, but I'm free tomorrow, we can talk then!"

"That works! see you then"

Aalto then walked away and Oreo's growling slowed as he got farther.

Artemis started to walk inside and his whispers went away, it was strange, it was like he knew they were related, but didn't want to trust him.

He figured that it would be easier to just talk about it with his family later that night.

12 hours later

Artemis and Atlas were the last to get to the restaurant as it was on the far side of town, but as soon as they got there, they quickly found their family.

They quickly sat down and ordered food before they started to talk about what was new.

Conversations were relatively calm, Bryan was talking about how he was working on making a new hospital for camp, Inpu was talking about new ideas for the donut shop, Femi and Lotus were talking about what was new with camp since Bryan was taking them with him, and Crystal was talking about how she was close to becoming a teacher's assistant for hero schools.

Artemis was thinking about what he should talk about while Atlas was talking about the funny coincident that was the school dance, when he figured out what exactly to talk about.

"What about you, Artemis, what have you been up to recently?" [Inpu]

"Well, I've been planning on spending more time with grandpa" [Artemis]

"When are you going to see Anubis, you're at school almost every day of the week, unless he is visiting you" [Bryan]

"I'm not talking about dad's dad, I'm talking about your dad" [Artemis]

Everyone at the table went silent, it was clear that Crystal was looking around to make sure she didn't cause a huge scene, then once she was sure the coast was clear, she slammed her hands on the table and stared Artemis in the eyes.

"If you dare build a relationship with him, you can say goodbye to your freedom" [Crystal]

"What are you talking about? he just doesn't have a good relationship with dad, it's not like you have anything against him" [Artemis]

As Artemis said that, Crystal moved up her sleeve to show a scar on her upper shoulder which made Artemis quiet down for a bit.

"What caused that scar?" [Artemis]

The triplets kept quiet, Bryan and Inpu clearly knew what was about to be said and kept quiet.

"Aalto caused it, he's the reason I can't be inside a fenced in area that goes over my shoulders" [Crystal]

"What do you mean?" [Artemis]

"He took me when I was a baby, held me captive without my knowledge for 5 years, took away my power, threatened me, and kidnapped papa, the physical scar is the least of my worries when it comes to what he has done" [Crystal]

"Why didn't you tell me then?" [Artemis]

"A pack won't worry about an enemy who's supposed to be behind bars" [Inpu]

Artemis look over at Inpu confused, he didn't know what he meant.

Bryan was looking at the table, trying hard not to make eye contact with Artemis.

"After Aalto kidnapped me, we found out I had rule of the throne because I was married to Inpu, I had him locked up but a couple months ago he escaped, I never thought he would go after my youngest child with such lies" [Bryan]

"I told you once we found out, I can still go out and search for him, It'll be easier since Artemis came into contact with him" [Crystal]

No one responded to Crystal's comment, Inpu gave her a strict look to tell her no while Bryan was looking at the triplets to make sure they didn't get the same idea.

"Well, this got depressing, on another note, Skyler and I found someone willing to stay at the farm to protect the demigods who want to stay there so we can return to camp soon" [Crystal]

Crystal's change of conversation ended up working well because the conversation wasn't brought up the rest of the night.

It was still unsettling to Artemis because he told Aalto to just stop by whenever before he left.

He planned to tell Shino, knowing full well that Shino wouldn't leave him alone till he felt safe again.

So, Artemis and Atlas went home with high hopes that nothing would happen.

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