New Roommate

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Artemis' POV

It had been a long day for the students of monarch academy.

Each class had some kind of test, the hero classes had placement exams for what they ranked in class and it had taken a toll on a lot of the students.

Artemis was a bit upset that they picked today to do placement exams due to the fact the café club started up again due to poor scheduling on the club's part.

Rikku went to the café due to wanting to join the club again and Shino followed because he was interested on how they operated the club, plus he wanted a coffee.

The meeting went slower then they had expected it would, but eventually they got home.

They noticed the name plate next to the door had changed, they knew they were getting a new roommate sometime after school started, but they didn't realize that today was the day their new roommate would move in.

As they entered, they could hear movement coming from the empty room, so they figured they'd go upstairs and meet their new roommate. (I don't know how the room would be placed, I just knew that it would be too crowded to have it on the bottom floor)

Rikku knocked on the door and they waited for it the door to open.

When the door did open, it wasn't open all the way so they only saw that his hair was split down the middle with black and white, and he had red eyes.

"I'm assuming you're our new roommate" [Rikku]

"Um, yeah, I'm Atlas" [Atlas]

"Nice to meet you, I'm Artemis, the girl is Rikku, and he's Shino" [Artemis]

"Alright, what are each of your quirks?" [Atlas]

"My quirk is explosion!" [Rikku]

"Mine is known as hard light" [Shino]

"And mine is shadow, what's your quirk?" [Artemis]

"My quirk is shadow wings, I have the same abilities as a shadow quirk user, but because of the fact my father is a hybrid quirk mine became a hybrid between both of my dad's quirks" [Atlas]

"So what quirks mixed to create yours?" [Shino]

"Well, one of my dads had angels grace while the other was a mix of shadow and kitsune so his quirk was called shadow tails" [Atlas]

"Wait a second, I must have heard wrong if you said it before, but you have 2 dads!?!" [Rikku]

"Oh yeah, I forgot that isn't a fully normal thing in the city" [Atlas]

"Trust us, we wish it were normal, we may live in a majority accepting city, but there are still the few who hate our guts" [Artemis]

"I take it each of you are lgbtq+ then?" [Atlas]

"Yup!" [Rikku]

Atlas nodded and finally fully opened the door.

"I probably should have said this earlier, but feel free to come in" [Atlas]

They entered the room and noticed that the room was fairly put together, there were still boxes everywhere, but it wasn't a complete mess.

Artemis couldn't help but notice a small picture, it was clearly an old one as he noticed 2 adults and 5 kids in the picture.

In the picture, one of the adults was holding one of the kids while the other adult was sitting next to him with the other 4 kids scattered around, the oldest couldn't be older than 6 and the youngest didn't seem to be older than 12 months.

"Hey, Atlas, what's this photo of?" [Artemis]

"Oh, it was the first family photo we took after I got back from a business trip with one of my dads, they had a kid by quirk fusion without realization so my baby brother was born while we were away, so once we got back, we wanted to take a family photo, and that's the result of said family photo" [Atlas]

"So what are your sibling like?" [Rikku]

"Well, the older one of my sisters is who inspired me to be a hero, we come from a place with no hero license laws so she was a hero at home before she had to quit for whatever reason, she won't tell me, my other sister is the brains, I'm a triplet and she's the oldest, then there is my sibling, they mostly prefer to keep out of the way, as for my little brother, I wouldn't be able to tell you, he was kidnapped when he was 2 and I haven't seen him since" [Atlas]

The room went silent when Atlas finished talking, they didn't know how to respond, how do you respond to something like that.

"Our teacher told us that you have been to multiple high schools and had to skip a few school years due to problems, if you don't mind my asking, how old are you?" [Shino]

"I turned 21 a few weeks ago, I'd be lying if I said I was proud to still be in high school" [Atlas]

"If it makes you feel better, you could have fooled me, you look like you're 16" [Shino]

"Does this mean we can have alcohol in the dorm and not get in trouble?" [Artemis]

"I asked my sister that and she told me 'not a chance' I personally think its just because she has no idea if I'd get in trouble or not and she doesn't want to deal with having to transfer me to another school" [Atlas]

"Wouldn't your parents be in charge of that?" [Rikku]

Atlas just stayed silent, it was clear that his parents were a touchy subject and he wasn't going to spill everything to people he had just met.

Shino quickly checked the time and it was clear he had an idea to change the topic.

"Its getting late, I'm gonna order dinner, what do you 3 want?" [Shino]

"I'd be fine with just pizza" [Artemis]

"I second that decision as long as we get mozzarella sticks!" [Rikku]

"I'll be fine if you don't get me anything, I was gonna order something for myself" [Atlas]

"Well, I won't let you do that, so, what do you want?" [Shino]

Atlas stared at the ground for a second, he seemed to be almost embarrassed to suggest anything.

"If it isn't to much to ask for, I wouldn't mind garlic bread" [Atlas]

"Alright, I'll get 2 pizzas, one with toppings, one without, a set of mozzarella sticks, and some garlic bread" [Shino]

"I can pay you back if you need" [Atlas]

"Don't worry about it, we take turns paying for dinner of exam days, today is my turn" [Shino]

Shino left the room so he could order food and left the other 3 in Atlas' room.

"Please tell me he isn't single" [Atlas]

"Don't tell me your thinking about flirting with my man" [Artemis]

"Don't worry, I have someone at home, I was just asking because, before I assumed that you both were dating, that whoever he was dating had to be really lucky" [Atlas]

"I'd say Artemis is very lucky for having Shino" [Rikku]

"Wait, you said you had someone at home, care to explain" [Artemis]

"I made a promise to my best friend that when I got home from school, we could try dating, nothing is official yet, but my siblings wouldn't stop teasing me about it after I told them" [Atlas]

"Good for you, you honestly seem like the type to be more secluded, so I hope your potential relationship is a good one" [Artemis]

The 3 of them kept talking in Atlas' room till food eventually arrived so they went downstairs to eat.

They eventually finished and cleaned up, they decided to hang out for a bit longer and watched a movie, then went their separate ways and headed to bed.

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