Back To School

13 0 3

Artemis POV

Time seemed to speed up the last week students were at the farm, which was upsetting, but they were happy to be at school again.

Artemis and Atlas had been getting closer and were taking any chance they could to work on unlocking Artemis' power.

Oreo had also been a big help, whenever Artemis and Atlas had been training, if Artemis used more power than he should have, Oreo would walk up to him and knock him over to get Artemis to stop.

It wasn't always easy to train due to the fact Artemis was unknowingly using soul power over the power he should have been using.

Shino was never fully sure how to help, but would often make sure Artemis wasn't overworking himself outside of training along with making sure he would eat and sleep.

School work was relatively slow due to the fact they had all been slowly getting back into the flow of things.

Almost everyone was preparing for the school dance since 1-A had started setting it up while 1-B was away.

They decided to go with the theme of demigod by pure coincident, which 1-B all found funny because it meant 1 less thing for 2 of the students in their class to have to worry about.

Artemis had a few ideas when it came to his outfit because he didn't have any traditional clothes yet, but Atlas already knew exactly what to wear.

A few people already went to Artemis so he could help make outfits for the dance, and of course, he went to work right away.

Shino would often see him come back from training exhausted then see him go right to work on outfits, which was what he was doing today.

Oreo was only trained to stop Artemis from overworking himself while training, so he was taking a nap while Artemis was at his desk working when Shino came in.

"You going to go to bed soon or am I going to need to put you in bed again?"

"I'll go to bed in a few minutes"

"You've said that 3 nights in a row then I've had to move you to bed at like 3 in the morning" 

"I'm just finishing up the last of the designs, I can actually start sewing tomorrow if I finish them tonight"

"I should see if Crystal would trade you for Atlas for like a weekend because while we were over there you didn't overwork yourself once"

"Don't contact my sister about something like that because she will accept without any hesitation"

"Exactly why I should call her"

"I'm not going to overwork myself, I have like 5 more designs to finish, then I'm done"

"I'm not buying that for a second"

"Well, you should, I promise, I'll go to bed in at most an hour"

Shino clearly still didn't believe Artemis since he started to gently pet the top of his wings (Artemis would be in demigod form when he's in the dorm) which seemed to slow him down a bit since Artemis put down his pencil.

Artemis flapped his wings a bit which got Shino to stop while Artemis seemed to be clawing his leg a bit.

"Who told you petting my wings would get me to stop?"

"Well, I was asking Inpu about it before we left because I knew you would do this, and he recommended petting your wings as a way to help you relax and distract you"




Shino just blushed realizing what he did and tried to avoid eye contact with Artemis.

"What does he mean by that?"

"And this is what makes me confused on how you're a grandson of Aphrodite, I feel like that is something you'd know easily" 

"It was an inappropriate thing, wasn't it?"

"Yup, let's just not tell Inpu about this, I would not like to loose my life right after I become an adult"

"Well, I won't tell them for at least 3 years, I'll give you a bit of time"

"Well, that's not reassuring"

"That's what you get for touching my wings out of no where"

"Ok, if you were in my shoes and you had to get me to stop what I was doing, what would you do"

"Well, I would go to my ears and tail because they are only sensitive when I experience strong emotions"

Shino didn't respond, he just gently lifted up Artemis and placed him on his bed and just hugged him.

Artemis just snuggled his head into Shino's neck and the 2 started to cuddle for a few minutes before they decided to speak again.

"You know, if you wanted to cuddle, you could've just asked"

"This is mostly just me keeping you away from your work so you get some decent sleep for at least one night this week"

Shino just kept Artemis close and started to rub his hand in a circle on his back, which seemed to make Artemis seem sleepy.

Oreo noticed and kept getting into Shino's face to try and get him to stop, which didn't work, but he tried.

Artemis just snapped his fingers and Oreo move onto Artemis' tail in an attempt to keep comfortable

They just stayed quiet for a bit longer, just listening to the animals outside, Atlas' movement in the next room over, and the sound of the wind hitting the walls outside.

"You know for a peaceful night, you seem to be the most peaceful of them all"

"It comes with being part Aphrodite, I always have a kind of peaceful aura when I'm calm or feeling a strong positive emotion"

"So what happens when you feel a negative emotion?"

"My aura turns deathly and cold and if I'm angry, my aura can kill anyone I'm mad at who I feel needs to die"

"So what I'm getting from that is to not make you mad which is something I never do anyways, but now I have more of a reason to avoid that"

"I suppose that would be true, but I could never be mad at you to the point I'd kill someone"

"I love you, Artemis"

"I love you too, Shino"

Both of them managed to fall asleep rather quickly after they, they just kept cuddling and let their warmth consume each of them to the point they fell asleep.

Locked Away/ My OoO AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora