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Crystal's POV

It was now the next morning yet it didn't feel like that much time had past for anyone.

Inpu and Artemis were both getting extensive treatment because both of them were at least a little dehydrated and showing minor signs of not eating on top of having to patch up any injuries.

Artemis ended up being covered in multiple layers of blankets just to bring up his body temperature as his "new" features were taking most of his energy so he couldn't fully regulate his temperature.

Most didn't know what was truly going on with both of them, but some of them preferred not knowing because it meant that they wouldn't have to get their hoped up.

Inpu was more responsive but most of his injuries stopped him from certain movements so he wouldn't do much when he was awake, he could barley read and didn't like many things on tv so he'd often just sleep.

Artemis woke up every so often, he was constantly cold so he'd often talk through shivers, he wanted to talk to someone other than Crystal because Inpu was always asleep when he was awake, but he was scared of his friends reactions to his features so he never brought it up

Despite only a few hours passing from the night before, both Inpu and Artemis didn't want to sleep, but it was the one thing they could both do comfortably despite neither of them sleeping more than 30 minutes to an hour at a time.

The sun was up and both Inpu and Artemis were struggling to fall asleep as they both woke up.

Crystal wasn't far from them, she was just preparing iv bags so Skyler could bring them to Bryan's room for when they needed to be replaced without her needing to leave the other 2.

Skyler walked in soon after with food for all 3 of them, knowing that the boys couldn't get up without being in pain and that Crystal wasn't going to leave them alone.

"Heads up, Shino and the triplets are growing impatient, and Avian wants an update on Artemis' condition soon" [Skyler]

"You expected anything else, they've heard nothing and its been about 8 hours and we've kept quiet just to make sure we don't give false hope" [Crystal]

"At least let your siblings in, I don't want to hear any fights" [Inpu]

"I'm not doing that yet, Atlas didn't fully notice Artemis due to the panic we both felt, I'm waiting till Artemis wants to let his friends in, I'll tell them in private, but for now I'm waiting" [Crystal]

Crystal continued what she was doing while Skyler walked over to Inpu and Artemis to see if either one of them wanted to try solid foods and once they finished as much as they were able to, but noticed Crystal wasn't even touching her food.

"If you don't eat, I will force feed you myself so I know you ate something" [Skyler]

"I will eat, I just have other things I need to deal with first" [Crystal]

"If I come back and everything is still on your plate I will force feed you, now, I'm going to try and find an excuse to give to everyone as to why they can't come in" [Skyler]

Skyler gave Crystal a quick kiss on the cheek and left the room.

"Y-you b-b-both are c-cute" [Artemis]

"I wish you were able to remember when you were a baby, your sister used to be a lot worse when it came to talking, but would make up for it in cuddles no matter who she was with" [Inpu]

"I would appreciate it if you didn't tell my youngest brother everything I used to do to show affection because you know just as much as I do that he was the only one I could truly talk too because I knew he wouldn't remember those conversations" [Crystal]

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