Triple Trouble

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Crystal's POV

It was early in the morning, the horses were a bit grumpy at Crystal because she had slightly slept in, so they were all hungry.

"Yeah, yeah, I know I slept in, I went to sleep late"

Shadow and Jeffery were both riled up, Crystal could understand Jeffery, but she was a tad confused by the fact that Shadow was riled up for being hungry, he didn't eat and was made out of bones.

Crystal eventually finished putting in the food and went over to where the fence where she had left her bag.

She had grabbed the book with the symbols on it and a book she saw most of the symbols present in and just started to read.

It was calm for the next few hours, Crystal and the horses had moved into the field at this point, it was pretty cold, but overall it was fairly warm for the end of November.

Eventually, Moon had started to run in circles around 3 other fairy horses, which was strange, Crystal had never seen Moon act like that along with the fact she had never seen the other 3 fairy horses.

"Alright, Moon, leave them alone, we don't want to be mean to the other horses in the field"

Moon began to walk back into the field where Nightmare was while Crystal shifted her focus onto reading the tags of the fairy horses, she wanted to know who the belonged too.

Shortly after she starting trying to read the tags, 3 kids, who on first glance looked about Crystal's age, ran in after the fairy horses.

There was 1 who looked like a girl, 1 who looked like a boy, and 1 who seemed to be in-between, Crystal didn't want to assume anyone's gender though so she decided to go over to them first.

"Are these 3 yours?" [Crystal]

"Yeah, they have a tendency to run over here as soon as we get into camp, sorry" [???]

"It's fine, I just haven't seen them in camp before and wasn't sure if they were wild or not" [Crystal]

"If you don't mind us asking, are you mainly here to care for the horses, or are you a camper?" [???]

"I'm a camper, I just stay in the cabin on the other side of the horse field so I take care of them when I have nothing to do, I'm Crystal and I go by she/her" [Crystal]

"Nice to meet you! I'm Femi, I go by she/her, and the pink horse is mine" [Femi]

"I'm Lotus! I go by they/them, the purple one is mine" [Lotus]

"Atlas, he/him, the black horse is mine" [Atlas]

Crystal let out a giggle at Atlas, as he just stared back, unamused.

"Sorry, you remind me of a few of the other people I've met at camp" [Crystal]

"Let me guess, Inpu?" [Atlas]

"Yeah, I'm going to guess by the fact you knew right away that people say that a lot" [Crystal]

"Well, he and Bryan are our fathers so it makes sense that at least one of us are very similar to them" [Lotus]

"Oh, so you 3 are the kids I've heard so much about" [Crystal]

"They have talked about us?" [Femi]

"Yeah, they have been helping me out with a few things, so in down time they were telling me about you 3, its nice to finally meet you guys in person" [Crystal]

The horses were now starting to run at full speed, so the 4 of them decided to see what was going on, it wasn't much, they just wanted to run so Crystal had opened the gate into the bigger part of the field.

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