1. I got reincarnated?!

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I wonder how I ended up in a royal-looking room on a bed with people who looked like servants worrying about me.








My name is Asher Hill. One morning I was helping an old woman cross a road because, because I'm a kind person, she made it through the road but not me. A truck hit me. As I lay on the street, waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I couldn't help but think about how my life had led me to this moment. I was always a bit of a loner, never really having many friends or family to speak of. My parents had passed away when I was young, and I had been living on my own ever since. I had no siblings and no real connections to anyone or anything. I had always felt like a bit of a ghost, floating through life unnoticed and unremarkable.

But despite all of that, I had always tried to do good wherever I could. I had helped out at local charities and volunteered my time and services whenever possible. It was a small way of making a difference in a world that seemed indifferent to me. And so, when I saw the old woman struggling to cross the road, I didn't hesitate. I ran out into the traffic, ignoring the honking cars and screeching tires, and helped her safely to the other side.

It was a small act of kindness, but it would end up costing me my life. As I was crossing back across the road, a truck came speeding around the corner and struck me with a deafening crash. I remember feeling a sharp pain, followed by a strange sensation of weightlessness. And then, everything went black.

When I came, I was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by doctors and nurses frantically working on me. They told me that I had suffered severe injuries, including internal bleeding and organ damage. I was in shock, unable to fully comprehend what was happening. But as the days passed and my condition stabilized, the reality of my situation began to sink in.

The doctors told me that I wouldn't be able to recover fully. Even with surgery, there was a high chance that I wouldn't survive. And even if I did, I would likely be left with significant disabilities. It was a lot to take in, but strangely, I found myself feeling almost relieved. Weirdly, it was almost a blessing. I had lived my whole life without much purpose or direction. Now, I had a chance to rest and finally let go of the burdens and struggles that had weighed me down for so long.

And yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, some doctors tried to save me, but I think they said something like surgery failed, so I was going to die.

not that it made any difference. I didn't have anything here; my parents died when I was young. There were no siblings, no fame, no name, nothing, so this wasn't that bad, and that was the last thing I remembered.








Now I'm in a golden-looking room on a king-sized bed with a blanket over me." What did I even do to let me stay in this luxury room? The room had a lot of stuff: a bed, a table, and a mirror. The mirror was so clean and clear that it almost looked magical.

I kept looking at it, then "Ah! What's that kid in the mirror? The kid had aqua-blue hair and sapphire eyes. I moved my hand, and the reflection followed.

A New Life In A New World (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now