Chapter 65

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We see a bit of what happened at Storms Ends and at the citadel. There are not big battle scenes. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Storms End had fallen in less than an hour, Borros Baratheon's soldiers were not very keen on fighting two large dragons. The unsullied had gathered every single member of House Baratheon and taken them to the great hall. Visenya sat on top of the table, Aemond at her side when all the Baratheons were brought into the great hall. Borros looked hatefully at her, but she did not miss the fear in his eyes. His daughters were beside him, they looked afraid and confused at the same time. Visenya knew enough about the Baratheon lord to know that he did not tell his daughters anything, the lord considered them to be only good to marry powerful lords and make alliances. His wife had died in childbirth a few days earlier and he had an infant son who was not present.

"Lord Borros, I am so happy to see you," Visenya said with a smile, not moving from her spot on the table. "Imagine my surprise when a few of your ships and men attacked Kings Landing with Hobert Hightower. I did not know you had an issue with the crown and the way my mother rules."

"I had no choice." Visenya lifted an eyebrow, waiting for the man's excuses. "Hobert had the perfect plan to get rid of all of you, then he was going to place Prince Aenys on the throne."

"And why would you help him?" Aemond asked, animosity written all over his face.

"Lord Hobert knows how to reward his allies." Borros spat out. "He promised his son would be wed to one of my daughters."

"So you agreed to declare war on the crown just for a marriage promise?" Visenya had a hard time believing the amount of stupidity.

"My cousin was denied her inheritance, but that did not matter, because as soon as her mother died she forgot that she had Baratheon blood." Visenya did not say anything as the lord vented. Apparently, the man had a lot of resentment for a lot of people. "Then your mother takes over the throne and she does not think of rewarding her lords. Did you know that I sent a raven to your mother asking her to betroth my youngest daughter to Prince Aegon? And your mother sent an immediate note and all she said was no, not even an explanation, just no."

"So, let me make sure I understand what you are attempting to say." She rubbed her temples, before looking at the man. "You decided to commit treason because Princess Rhaenys was not as close to your family as you wanted and because my mother decided not to betrothed Aegon to one of your daughters? What did you think would happen if she had agreed? That she would disinherit me and make Aegon the heir, making your daughter a queen one day?"

"Aegon is the rightful heir to the throne," Aemond growled at the man's words and took a step forward, but Visenya placed a hand on his arm, stopping him.

"And what did you think was going to happen if Hobert won? He was going to kill Aegon and he might have made one of my sons a king, but that still would not have made your daughter a queen." The man was making no sense.

"Maybe not, but he was going to wed one of my granddaughters to Aenys." Borros continued to glare at her. "I did what was best for my family."

"No, you condemn them all, because even while I will allow your daughters and son to live, they will forever be known as traitors." Visenya nodded at the guards behind the four girls. "Take them to their chambers and make sure they do not leave. I will speak to them after I take care of their father."

The guards took the four girls and left her alone with Borros Baratheon. Visenya gave the man an amused smile, now it was her turn to play games and show this man what happened to the people who betrayed her family. She would make sure the Storm Lands would remember the lesson for years to come. 

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