Chapter 16

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Visenya and Laena have a small encounter, it does not go well. Aemond and Visenya talk during the coronation feast, Daemon is not happy about it. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Visenya walked around the Godswood, this was the part of the castle she liked the most. It was not only beautiful there, but also peaceful. Her mother had arranged for a small garden party after the coronation ceremony, it was a good time to speak to the Lords. Her mother had done this kind of celebration several times in Meereen. It also gave Visenya an opportunity to see which lords were worth a second look. She was very invested in her mother's protection, and would not allow anyone to hurt her.
"I have been meaning to speak with you." Visenya popped a grape in her mouth, chewing slowly before turning to her mother. She had known this conversation was coming, but if she was honest she was not looking forward to it. Her mother took one of the grapes in Visenya's hands and popped it in her mouth, intertwined their arms together, and walked away from people. "Do you want to tell me why you were in Flea Bottom with Aemond?"
"I wanted to go to the celebration in the city. I thought it would be fun." Visenya shrugged, popping another grape into her mouth. "I do not know the city and I asked Aemond to take me. I danced, we drank and then we returned."
"And you were attacked in between all of that." Her mother stopped beside the heart tree and turned to look at her. "I was told by one of the unsullied you have a man in the black cells, you asked he be tortured until he says who sent him."
"Yes, he tried to kill him and then admitted that someone had sent him." Visenya frowned. "Are you against him being tortured for information?"
"No, I am against you keeping secrets from me. You have always told me everything and I would not want that to change." Rhaenyra smiled gently at her, pushing a curl behind her ear. "What is happening between you and Aemond?"
"Nothing, he accompanied me into the city." Her mother did not seem to believe her and Visenya let out a sigh. "I do not know, there is something about him that makes me curious. I am not sure what is happening."
"Visenya, I want you to be careful." Her mother cupped her face, kissing the side of her head. "You will never have to wed for a political alliance. You can wed whoever your heart desires, but I just want you to be careful."
"I will, muña." Visenya was very conscious of her position and knew that people would attempt to take advantage if they could. "Do not worry, I will not do anything that embarrasses you."
"That is not what I am concerned about."
Her mother caressed her face before walking away. Visenya did not know what to say, she was not even sure what was happening with her. She could not explain to her mother what she could not understand herself. Visenya had not known how things would change as soon as she stepped on Westeros. There were so many secrets in this place, people lied over and over, and family went only as far as what they could do for one another. She missed Meereen, her ave, and her uncle Joffrey. She missed the way her life used to be when she did not have to be close to the people who had rejected her and her mother.
"Well, I have to say being heir to the throne suits you." Visenya rolled her eyes before turning towards Laena. The woman did not like her and the feeling was completely mutual. "Who would have thought that a bastard would become the heir to the iron throne?"
"I do not know know who is this bastard you speak of. I was born legitimate, since both my parents are Targaryens and were unwed at the time of my birth." Visenya's smile was mocking as she looked at her stepmother. "Do not feel bad that your prospects of being queen died as soon as my mother returned to Westeros, everyone knows you were not born to be queen. Or a princess for that matter."
"You do not know what you speak of." Laena moved closer to her and Visenya had to resist the urge to punch her. "If you and your mother returned because of Daemon I just want to make sure you are aware that he will never leave me for you or your mother."
"I had no idea you were such an insecure and desperate woman." Visenya let out a laugh, playing with one of Laena's curls. "But I guess I cannot blame you, if you do not have any other prospects, a man who loves another woman it is the best you can do."
She hid her smile when Laena's eyes filled with hate. The woman was so easy to rile up, all she had to do was mention her mother, and Lena's eyes filled with hate. The woman's hand moved fast, but Visenya was faster. She blocked Laena's arm with one hand, her other arm coming up, her fist slamming into the woman's face. Blood spurted out of Laena's nose as she fell to the ground, clutching her face.
Visenya looked up to see everyone looking at her, some looked shocked, others looked amused, others angry and others a bit confused. While her mother said she was not allowed to use violence unless it was to protect herself, she had waited for the other woman to attack first. Some people were so predictable. Visenya gave everyone a pleasant smile and dropped into a courtesy.
"I apologize for the incident." Visenya saw her mother pinching the bridge of her nose, while her uncle smiled amusedly. "Lady Laena's face had an encounter with my fist, her face seems to have lost the fight. I would get her a healer if I were you."
She walked away, smiling as people started talking. If Laena believed for a moment that being around people would stop Visenya from putting her in her place then she was sorely mistaken. No one was allowed to make her feel less, especially not for something that was not her doing.
Visenya enjoyed feasts, she liked the dancing and the food was usually good. Things in Kings Landing were a bit different, everyone seemed to be attempting to get the best of each other. Her mother was not too happy about her punching Laena, while her mother understood why she had done it, she was not happy Visenya had done it in front of everyone. Her mother was worried people would think she was not able to control herself. She did not want to make her mother worry, but she would not allow someone to speak badly about her. When Visenya was a small child she blamed herself for her father abandoning her and her mother. She believed it was something she had done. Her mother had spoken to her about it several times, making sure Visenya was aware that nothing that had happened was her fault.
"If I ask you to dance, are you going to punch me in the face?" Visenya smiled, looking at her uncle. "Everyone is afraid to approach you, they think you will attack them if they look at you wrong."
"You do not seem to share that fear." Visenya took Aemond's hand. "What do you think?"
"I think some things are worth a bit of fear." Aemond wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close as they swayed to the music. "I also think being punched will be worth it if I can share a dance with you."
Visenya looked into his eyes, they were blue, like sapphires and they seemed to look into her soul. She could tell he shared her feelings, that he was as confused about her as she was about him. The entire room seemed to disappear as they danced, moving around the room as everyone watched. She could feel everyone's eyes on them, and when she looked to the side she saw Alicent glaring at them. The old queen was not happy to see her only living son being interested in her.
"I do not think your mother is happy we are dancing." Aemond looked towards his mother, before looking back at her. "She does not like me. I do not think me exiling her father made it any better."
"Well, do not let it bother you." Aemond lowered his head a bit, their breaths mingling together. "My mother does not like most people."
"Does that not make you want to stay away from me?" Visenya tilted her head to the side, her face moving an inch closer.
"No." Their eyes locked. "I find you completely fascinating."
Visenya wondered what would happen if she moved forward and kissed him. People would probably lose their minds and start talking. People in Westeros were not as liberal as people in New Valyria. Here women were not even supposed to be as close as she was to Aemond right now. Visenya pulled back, putting a bit of distance between her and Aemond. She did not want to shame her mother or make things harder for her. She could not kiss or allow Aemond to kiss her in front of everyone, at least not yet.  

                                                  Visenya Targaryen (Coronation Feast

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                                                  Visenya Targaryen (Coronation Feast.)

Daemon's hand tightened around his cup as he watched his nephew and daughter dance. He did not like how close they were, how Aemond seemed so possessive of his daughter. Aemond seemed to believe Visenya belonged to him. Daemon had not missed the way Aemond had glared at any lord who approached Visenya, sending some of them running. Now they were dancing closer than what was appropriate, their faces were too close together.
"If you keep glaring at them that way people will start to talk." Daemon released his grip on the cup before looking at Rhaenys. "Should you not be in your chambers caring for your wife?"
"My wife is fine, she is sleeping." Daemon was a bit confused about Rhaenys. "I do not understand why you are not more upset. Corlys even refused to come to the feast because of what happened in the Godswoods today, but you do not seem bothered by what happened."
"Laena is my daughter and I love her, I will always love her. But the decisions she has made in the last sixteen years leave a lot to be desired." Rhaneys sat beside him. "I never wanted Laena to wed you, I have always known you were not in love with her. Laena has been jealous of Rhaenyra since she was born. That jealousy got worse as Rhaenyra aged and even worse when Laena started being interested in you."
"Then why did you allow her to wed me?"
"Because my husband authorized the union." Rhaenys let out a sigh. "If you have not noticed women do not have a lot of rights in this world. Maybe things will change now that Rhaenyra is queen and her heir is also a woman."
"So, because your husband authorized the union you had no say in it?"
"Exactly." Rhaenys took a sip of her wine, shaking her head. "Laenor was so upset, he yelled at Corlys and at Laena, accusing them of being cruel. He hated that you had abandoned Rhaenyra while she was with child and that Laena was fine with it."
"Yes, I am a horrible man." Daemon looked at his daughter once more, at least she and Aemond were not pressed together any longer. "I am the worst thing to ever walk this earth."
"I would not put it that way." Rhaenys's smile was amused. "But you have made monumental mistakes and they will not go away just because you now wish it so."
"I am aware of that."
"That does not mean there is no hope." Daemon frowned at Rhaenys. "You will just need to work hard to make up for all the mistakes you have made."
"Yes?" Daemon's look was mocking as he looked at Rhaenys. "And how do I do that?"
"I am not sure." Rhaenys shrugged, standing up. "But I do not think staying married to Laena will help your situation."
Daemon frowned as Rhaenys walked away, not sure what she meant by that. 

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