Chapter 31

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Visenya brings up some ideas to help the common people and deals with what the septons are doing. Visenya and Daemon play a game and Rhaenyra is not happy about it. We also get a short special POV. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

2 days later.

"Well, everything has been handled perfectly. I am very pleased with all your work." Her mother smiled at the men in the room. "Anything else that needs to be brought up?"

"Yes, your grace." Visenya's voice drew her mother's attention, who nodded, giving her permission to speak. "I saw the way our people lived when I visited the city with Prince Daemon. There are men, women, and children all over the streets. They beg for food and money, they need help and it is our duty to help them. We cannot let our people suffer that way."

"I agree with the princess." Daemon nodded while looking around the room. "The people of Kings Landing and Westeros are our responsibility, we should care for them and make sure they have the basic things."

"I agree with Visenya and Daemon." Her mother gave her a small smile. "What are you thinking Visenya?"

"I believe we should build shelters for the people who do not have a home, places where they can sleep and at least have a meal." The people in the room looked at each other but did not say anything. "We should also build bathing houses. The people around the city are dirty, which is causing illness to spread. Illness spread around the whole city and can affect the nobles also."

"Those are excellent ideas, princess." Lord Lyonel gave her an approving look before looking at Rhaenys. "Do we have enough gold for that?"

"Yes, Lord Strong." Her mother nodded. "Gold is not an issue."

"We should also build teaching houses and make sure our people get at least the minimal education." She had seen the needs of the people and had not been able to stop thinking about it since then. "I believe if the people have a better education they would be able to have a better life, work better."

"Visenya is right, I believe tradehouses would also be a good idea." Visenya looked at Daemon, who was looking at her mother. "We can have the masters of their trade teach their craft to others around the kingdom. We could have more artisans, blacksmiths, stone masons, armorers, millers, carpenters, minstrels, weavers, winemakers, farmers, watchmen, shoemakers, and roofers. All these different trades would be beneficial to the kingdom and the people. Our economy would prosper."

"Exactly." Visenya was happy that someone else saw things from her point of view. She had known that her father was called the prince of the city and now she could see why. He did worry about the people. "The more people work the less help they will need from the crown and less of a burden they will be on the treasury."

"That is a great idea princess." Rhaenys looked at her with pride. "Your grace, I could come up with different propositions so we can start working on Princess Visenya's idea. If this is agreeable to you?"

"Of course, that is an excellent idea." Her mother gave her a small smile before looking at Rhaenys. "Princess Rhaenys, please come up with different ideas for these projects and you can start presenting them once you are confident about them."

"Of course, your grace." Rhaenys nodded her head.

Once everything had been resolved her mother ended the meeting, Visenya knew she had another meeting with Laenor, they had a lot to talk about. Her mother had been away from New Valyria for a while and there must been things that required her attention. Visenya nodded to the other council members before walking out of the chambers. She needed to change before meeting with Daemon to go to the great sept, the people there were supposed to leave that day. Visenya was not stupid enough to believe that the high septon and the others would just accept what her mother had ordered without doing anything, so Visenya had people watching them. They were planning something, the guards had told her about the suspicious movements, but no one knew what they were planning.

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