Chapter 49

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This is a short chapter. Rhaenyra tells Visenya about her pregnancy. Daemon and Viserys talk, Viserys is still delusional. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

6 days later.

Her mother was acting strange and Visenya did not like it. She was starting to get worried. Rhaenyra would barely look her in the eye and she would sometimes leave in the middle of a meeting. Earlier that morning they had been at the small council meeting discussing the progress of the new projects for the small folk when her mother had suddenly jumped to her feet and ran out of the room. Daemon had immediately followed after her, but he did not seem too concerned. Visenya had also noticed that her mother was very tired all the time and would fall asleep in strange places. She had found her sleeping in the small council chambers, in the gardens and one day sitting on a bench in one of the halls. Was her mother ill? And if she was why would no one tell her? She had seen the healer go into her mother's chambers several times but the man did not seem concerned.

After what happened that morning she would not stay quiet any longer, she needed to know if there was something wrong with her mother. Because if someone was hurting her, Visenya would make them die the most horrific death imaginable. She entered her parents's chambers without knocking, startling her mother who was sitting behind her desk reading several documents.

"Visenya." Her mother frowned. "Is something the matter?"

"Are you ill?" She had never been one to beat around the bush.

"No." Her mother seemed genuinely confused, which calmed Visenya's nerves a little. "Why would you think that?"

"Because you are acting strange." She sat across from Rhaenyra. "You cannot seem to look me in the eye and at first I believed it was because you were upset about what I did to Larys. But then I started noticing other things, how you leave in the middle of meetings, how tired you seem and I have seen the healer going in and out of your chambers on several occasions."

"I am sorry, I did not realize you had noticed all of that." Her mother's expression was apologetic. "I was just looking for a way to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"I am with child." Her mother's eyes were filled with fear.

"You are?" At her mother's nod, Visenya smiled. "That is great news." Visenya frowned. "Why would you want to hide it from me?"

"It is not that I want it to hide it." Her mother looked unsure, which was not something usual for her. "I was attempting to find a way to tell you without hurting your feelings."

"Why would I be hurt?" She was not sure what was happening, maybe she was reading this all wrong. "I have always wanted a sibling."

"I was afraid you would not want me to be with child, or that your resentment for your father would grow because he will be present for this child since the beginning."

"Ah, so that is it." She was actually relieved that her mother was not ill. "I would never resent my brother or sister and I am happy that Daemon will be here from the start until they are grown men or women. Muña, I love you and I will love my little brother or sister. Why would it make me sad or angry that someone else loves and cares for you and them? The more people who love them means more people to protect them."

Her mother stood up and walked around the desk. She took Visenya's hands and helped her stand up before crushing her in a hug. For such a small woman, her mother was really strong.

"I am so happy to hear you say that." Her mother's voice sounded like she was about to cry. "I was so afraid you would be upset."

"I... would never be upset about something like that." Rhaenyra's grip tightened and Visenya flinched. "But if you do not let go your only child will be the one in your belly. You are crushing me."

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