Chapter 10

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I love you all. 😆 Your comments and kudos make me so happy. I'm so overwhelmed by the response this story has gotten. I hope you guys keep enjoying it.

8 year time jump.

We get another Rhaenys POV, she is fed up with her family. We also get Daemon's POV, we hear all the stupid reasons he used to talk himself into abandoning Rhaenyra and their daughter. Rhaenyra receives some news which piss her off. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

8 years later.

Rhaenys sighed as she looked at the large castle in front of her. She could not believe she was here once more. Since Arrax's appearance, she had only been back twice and stayed for a few hours before returning to Driftmark. Most of the time Laena was the one that visited her in Driftmark. After what happened with Arrax Laena had been incandescent with rage, upset that every lord had heard the god say she was jealous of Rhaenyra. Laena had screamed until Rhaenys snapped at her, telling her she should take responsibility for her actions and decisions. Rhaenys was tired of cuddling her daughter, of treating her like she was an innocent little girl. As much as it saddened her, Rhaenys could not lie to herself any longer, everything that happened to Laena was of her own doing.

In the past eight years, Rhaenys had not had time to do much, except worry about all the horrible things that were happening. Arrax's curse had held true, the North was the only territory not having as much trouble. No one knew how the North was getting so much food, they even had fruits and several small animals. The Vale had also been surviving, they even got healers to tend to the sick during one of the plagues. Viserys had called Jayne Arryn to Kings Landing, to ask her if she would sell them some food. The king believed that the Vale crops had not gone bad, like most of the kingdom. Jayne had sent a letter back to the king, letting him know that her crops had failed also. She had informed the king that she had made a trade deal with the free cities and that was where she got the food.

A few moons later the new crops had come in, and everything had gone well. But a year after that a plague had spread all over the kingdom, killing hundreds of people, except for the north, they had remained unscathed. At least from the plagues.

"Mother." Laena walked up to her, hugging Rhaenys and kissing her cheek. "I am so happy you are here. I did not think you would come, father did not say anything about you coming."

"It was decided last minute." Rhaenys's smile was tight. "The truth is I came to bring you a gift, it will be your name day soon."

"Thank you, I am sure I will love it." Leana intertwined their arms together, walking down the halls towards the royal family wing. "The king has finally decided to have a feast after so many years. We will be celebrating my name day and he thinks it will be good for the kingdom's morale. After so many years of things going wrong, everything is starting to go back to normal once more."

"Normal?" Rhaenys gave her daughter an incredulous look. "Leana, hundreds of people have died, some from the plague, some from starvation, our armies have been depleted and have never been so unprotected."

"Mother, Targaryens have dragons." Her daughter's face was amused. "Who is going to attack us?"

"They said the triarchy is planning to attempt and take the Stepstones once more." Her daughter still did not seem too concerned, which annoyed Rhaenys. Her daughter was blind to the people's problems. "If they do decide to attack Westeros we will not be able to retaliate, we barely have an army left to protect Kings Landings, much less the entire kingdom."

"Mother, it is my name day tomorrow, we should be celebrating."

"Your father's businesses have also been going badly." Rhaenys looked at her daughter. "He has lost a lot of gold."

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